


Bug #16500 ยป

Administrator Admin, 2006-08-29 11:02

* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2005 Kasper Skaarhoj (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* FE admin lib
* $Id:,v 1.19 2005/04/01 14:37:14 typo3 Exp $
* Revised for TYPO3 3.6 June/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* 132: class user_feAdmin
* 179: function init($content,$conf)
* SECTION: Data processing
* 408: function parseValues()
* 503: function processFiles($cmdParts,$theField)
* 609: function overrideValues()
* 625: function defaultValues()
* 644: function evalValues()
* 766: function userProcess($mConfKey,$passVar)
* 784: function userProcess_alt($confVal,$confArr,$passVar)
* SECTION: Database manipulation functions
* 826: function save()
* 884: function deleteRecord()
* 914: function deleteFilesFromRecord($uid)
* SECTION: Command "display" functions
* 971: function displayDeleteScreen()
* 999: function displayCreateScreen()
* 1022: function displayEditScreen()
* 1073: function displayEditForm($origArr)
* 1101: function procesSetFixed()
* SECTION: Template processing functions
* 1190: function removeRequired($templateCode,$failure)
* 1208: function getPlainTemplate($key,$r='')
* 1225: function modifyDataArrForFormUpdate($inputArr)
* 1294: function setCObjects($templateCode,$currentArr=array(),$markerArray='',$specialPrefix='')
* SECTION: Emailing
* 1356: function sendInfoMail()
* 1404: function compileMail($key, $DBrows, $recipient, $setFixedConfig=array())
* 1450: function sendMail($recipient, $admin, $content='', $adminContent='')
* 1495: function isHTMLContent($c)
* 1516: function sendHTMLMail($content,$recipient,$dummy,$fromEmail,$fromName,$replyTo='')
* SECTION: Various helper functions
* 1600: function aCAuth($r)
* 1614: function authCode($r,$extra='')
* 1640: function setfixed($markerArray, $setfixed, $r)
* 1678: function setfixedHash($recCopy,$fields='')
* 1699: function isPreview()
* 1708: function createFileFuncObj()
* 1719: function clearCacheIfSet()
* 1734: function getFailure($theField, $theCmd, $label)
* (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval")

require_once (PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_basicfilefunc.php'); // For use with images.

* This library provides a HTML-template file based framework for Front End creating/editing/deleting records authenticated by email or fe_user login.
* It is used in the extensions "direct_mail_subscription" and "feuser_admin" (and the depreciated(!) static template "plugin.feadmin.dmailsubscription" and "plugin.feadmin.fe_users" which are the old versions of these two extensions)
* Further the extensions "t3consultancies" and "t3references" also uses this library but contrary to the "direct_mail_subscription" and "feuser_admin" extensions which relies on external HTML templates which must be adapted these two extensions delivers the HTML template code from inside.
* Generally the fe_adminLib appears to be hard to use. Personally I feel turned off by all the template-file work involved and since it is very feature rich (and for that sake pretty stable!) there are lots of things that can go wrong - you feel. Therefore I like the concept used by "t3consultancies"/"t3references" since those extensions uses the library by supplying the HTML-template code automatically.
* Suggestions for improvement and streamlining is welcome so this powerful class could be used more and effectively.
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tslib
* @link[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=396&cHash=d267c36546
class user_feAdmin {

// External, static:
var $recInMarkersHSC = TRUE; // If true, values from the record put into markers going out into HTML will be passed through htmlspecialchars()!

var $dataArr = array();
var $failureMsg = array();
var $theTable = '';
var $thePid = 0;
var $markerArray = array();
var $templateCode='';
var $cObj;

var $cmd;
var $preview;
var $backURL;
var $recUid;
var $failure=0; // is set if data did not have the required fields set.
var $error='';
var $saved=0; // is set if data is saved
var $requiredArr;
var $currentArr = array();
var $previewLabel='';
var $nc = ''; // '&no_cache=1' if you want that parameter sent.
var $additionalUpdateFields='';
var $emailMarkPrefix = 'EMAIL_TEMPLATE_';
var $codeLength;
var $cmdKey;
var $fileFunc=''; // Set to a basic_filefunc object
var $filesStoredInUploadFolders=array(); // This array will hold the names of files transferred to the uploads/* folder if any. If the records are NOT saved, these files should be deleted!! Currently this is not working!

// Internal vars, dynamic:
var $unlinkTempFiles = array(); // Is loaded with all temporary filenames used for upload which should be deleted before exit...

* Main function. Called from TypoScript.
* This
* - initializes internal variables,
* - fills in the markerArray with default substitution string
* - saves/emails if such commands are sent
* - calls functions for display of the screen for editing/creation/deletion etc.
* @param string Empty string, ignore.
* @param array TypoScript properties following the USER_INT object which uses this library
* @return string HTML content
* @link[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=396&cHash=d267c36546
function init($content,$conf) {
$this->conf = $conf;

// template file is fetched.
$this->templateCode = $this->conf['templateContent'] ? $this->conf['templateContent'] : $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']);

// Getting the cmd var
$this->cmd = (string)t3lib_div::_GP('cmd');
// Getting the preview var
$this->preview = (string)t3lib_div::_GP('preview');
// backURL is a given URL to return to when login is performed
$this->backURL = t3lib_div::_GP('backURL');
// Uid to edit:
$this->recUid = t3lib_div::_GP('rU');
// Authentication code:
$this->authCode = t3lib_div::_GP('aC');
// get table
$this->theTable = $this->conf['table'];

$this->nc = $this->conf['no_cache'] ? '&no_cache=1' : $this->nc;
// pid
$this->thePid = intval($this->conf['pid']) ? intval($this->conf['pid']) : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
$this->codeLength = intval($this->conf['authcodeFields.']['codeLength']) ? intval($this->conf['authcodeFields.']['codeLength']) : 8;

// Setting the hardcoded lists of fields allowed for editing and creation.

// globally substituted markers, fonts and colors.
$splitMark = md5(microtime());
list($this->markerArray['###GW1B###'],$this->markerArray['###GW1E###']) = explode($splitMark,$this->cObj->stdWrap($splitMark,$this->conf['wrap1.']));
list($this->markerArray['###GW2B###'],$this->markerArray['###GW2E###']) = explode($splitMark,$this->cObj->stdWrap($splitMark,$this->conf['wrap2.']));
$this->markerArray['###GC1###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['color1'],$this->conf['color1.']);
$this->markerArray['###GC2###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['color2'],$this->conf['color2.']);
$this->markerArray['###GC3###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['color3'],$this->conf['color3.']);

// Initialize markerArray, setting FORM_URL and HIDDENFIELDS
$this->markerArray['###FORM_URL###'] = 'index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['TSFE']->id.'&amp;type='.$GLOBALS['TSFE']->type.$this->nc.$this->conf['addParams'];
$this->markerArray['###FORM_URL_ENC###'] = rawurlencode($this->markerArray['###FORM_URL###']);
$this->markerArray['###FORM_URL_HSC###'] = htmlspecialchars($this->markerArray['###FORM_URL###']);

$this->markerArray['###BACK_URL###'] = $this->backURL;
$this->markerArray['###BACK_URL_ENC###'] = rawurlencode($this->markerArray['###BACK_URL###']);
$this->markerArray['###BACK_URL_HSC###'] = htmlspecialchars($this->markerArray['###BACK_URL###']);

$this->markerArray['###THE_PID###'] = $this->thePid;
$this->markerArray['###REC_UID###'] = $this->recUid;
$this->markerArray['###AUTH_CODE###'] = $this->authCode;
$this->markerArray['###THIS_ID###'] = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
$this->markerArray['###THIS_URL###'] = htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR'));
$this->markerArray['###HIDDENFIELDS###'] =
($this->cmd?'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->cmd).'" />':'').
($this->authCode?'<input type="hidden" name="aC" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->authCode).'" />':'').
($this->backURL?'<input type="hidden" name="backURL" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->backURL).'" />':'');

// Setting cmdKey which is either 'edit' or 'create'
switch($this->cmd) {
case 'edit':
// Setting requiredArr to the fields in 'required' intersected field the total field list in order to remove invalid fields.
$this->requiredArr = array_intersect(

// Setting incoming data. Non-stripped
$this->dataArr = $fe[$this->theTable]; // Incoming data.

// Checking template file and table value
if (!$this->templateCode) {
$content = 'No template file found: '.$this->conf['templateFile'];
return $content;

if (!$this->theTable || !$this->fieldList) {
$content = 'Wrong table: '.$this->theTable;
return $content; // Not listed or editable table!

// *****************
// If data is submitted, we take care of it here.
// *******************
if ($this->cmd=='delete' && !$this->preview && !t3lib_div::_GP('doNotSave')) { // Delete record if delete command is sent + the preview flag is NOT set.
// If incoming data is seen...
if (is_array($this->dataArr)) {
// Evaluation of data:
if ($this->conf['evalFunc']) {
$this->dataArr = $this->userProcess('evalFunc',$this->dataArr);

// if not preview and no failures, then set data...
if (!$this->failure && !$this->preview && !t3lib_div::_GP('doNotSave')) { // doNotSave is a global var (eg a 'Cancel' submit button) that prevents the data from being processed
} else {
if ($this->conf['debug']) debug($this->failure);
} else {
$this->defaultValues(); // If no incoming data, this will set the default values.
$this->preview = 0; // No preview if data is not received
if ($this->failure) {$this->preview=0;} // No preview flag if a evaluation failure has occured
$this->previewLabel = $this->preview ? '_PREVIEW' : ''; // Setting preview label prefix.

// *********************
// ***********************
if ($this->saved) {
// Clear page cache

// Displaying the page here that says, the record has been saved. You're able to include the saved values by markers.
switch($this->cmd) {
case 'delete':
case 'edit':
// Output message
$templateCode = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, '###TEMPLATE_'.$key.'_SAVED###');
$markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $this->currentArr, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC);
$content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($templateCode, $markerArray);

// email message:

} elseif ($this->error) { // If there was an error, we return the template-subpart with the error message
$templateCode = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, $this->error);
$content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($templateCode, $this->markerArray);
} else {
// Finally, if there has been no attempt to save. That is either preview or just displaying and empty or not correctly filled form:
if (!$this->cmd) {
if ($this->conf['debug']) debug('Display form: '.$this->cmd,1);
switch($this->cmd) {
case 'setfixed':
$content = $this->procesSetFixed();
case 'infomail':
$content = $this->sendInfoMail();
case 'delete':
$content = $this->displayDeleteScreen();
case 'edit':
$content = $this->displayEditScreen();
case 'create':
$content = $this->displayCreateScreen();

// Delete temp files:
foreach($this->unlinkTempFiles as $tempFileName) {

// Return content:
return $content;

* Data processing

* Performs processing on the values found in the input data array, $this->dataArr.
* The processing is done according to configuration found in TypoScript
* Examples of this could be to force a value to an integer, remove all non-alphanumeric characters, trimming a value, upper/lowercase it, or process it due to special types like files submitted etc.
* Called from init() if the $this->dataArr is found to be an array
* @return void
* @see init()
function parseValues() {
if (is_array($this->conf['parseValues.'])) {
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf['parseValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
switch($theCmd) {
case 'int':
case 'lower':
case 'upper':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = $this->cObj->caseshift($this->dataArr[$theField],$theCmd);
case 'nospace':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = str_replace(' ', '', $this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'alpha':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z]','',$this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'num':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = ereg_replace('[^0-9]','',$this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'alphanum':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]','',$this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'alphanum_x':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]','',$this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'trim':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = trim($this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'random':
$this->dataArr[$theField] = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime(),1)),0,intval($cmdParts[1]));
case 'files':
if ($this->cmdKey=='create' && !t3lib_div::_GP('doNotSave')) {
} else unset($this->dataArr[$theField]); // Fields with files cannot be edited - only created.
case 'setEmptyIfAbsent':
if (!isset($this->dataArr[$theField])) {
case 'multiple':
if (is_array($this->dataArr[$theField])) {
$this->dataArr[$theField] = implode(',',$this->dataArr[$theField]);
case 'checkArray':
if (is_array($this->dataArr[$theField])) {
$val = 0;
while(list($kk,$vv)=each($this->dataArr[$theField])) {
$kk = t3lib_div::intInRange($kk,0);
if ($kk<=30) {
if ($vv) {
$this->dataArr[$theField] = $val;
} else {$this->dataArr[$theField]=0;}
case 'uniqueHashInt':
$otherFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(';',$cmdParts[1],1);
while(list(,$fN)=each($otherFields)) {
$vv = $this->dataArr[$fN];
$vv = ereg_replace('[[:space:]]','',$vv);
$vv = ereg_replace('[^[:alnum:]]','',$vv);
$vv = strtolower($vv);

* Processing of files.
* NOTICE: for now files can be handled only on creation of records. But a more advanced feature is that PREVIEW of files is handled.
* @param array Array with cmd-parts (from parseValues()). This will for example contain information about allowed file extensions and max size of uploaded files.
* @param string The fieldname with the files.
* @return void
* @access private
* @see parseValues()
function processFiles($cmdParts,$theField) {
// First, make an array with the filename and file reference, whether the file is just uploaded or a preview
$filesArr = array();

if (is_string($this->dataArr[$theField])) { // files from preview.
$tmpArr = explode(',',$this->dataArr[$theField]);
while(list(,$val)=each($tmpArr)) {
$valParts = explode('|',$val);
$filesArr[] = array (
} elseif (is_array($_FILES['FE'][$this->theTable][$theField]['name'])) { // Files from upload
while(list($kk,$vv)=each($_FILES['FE'][$this->theTable][$theField]['name'])) {
if ($vv) {
$tmpFile = t3lib_div::upload_to_tempfile($_FILES['FE'][$this->theTable][$theField]['tmp_name'][$kk]);
if ($tmpFile) {
$filesArr[] = array (
} elseif (is_array($_FILES['FE']['name'][$this->theTable][$theField])) { // Files from upload
while(list($kk,$vv)=each($_FILES['FE']['name'][$this->theTable][$theField])) {
if ($vv) {
$tmpFile = t3lib_div::upload_to_tempfile($_FILES['FE']['tmp_name'][$this->theTable][$theField][$kk]);
if ($tmpFile) {
$filesArr[] = array (

// Then verify the files in that array; check existence, extension and size
if (count($filesArr)) {
$extArray = t3lib_div::trimExplode(';',strtolower($cmdParts[1]),1);
$maxSize = intval($cmdParts[3]);
while(list(,$infoArr)=each($filesArr)) {
$fI = pathinfo($infoArr['name']);
if (t3lib_div::verifyFilenameAgainstDenyPattern($fI['name'])) {
if (!count($extArray) || in_array(strtolower($fI['extension']), $extArray)) {
$tmpFile = $infoArr['tmp_name'];
if (@is_file($tmpFile)) {
if (!$maxSize || filesize($tmpFile)<$maxSize*1024) {
} elseif ($this->conf['debug']) {debug('Size is beyond '.$maxSize.' kb ('.filesize($tmpFile).' bytes) and the file cannot be saved.');}
} elseif ($this->conf['debug']) {debug('Surprisingly there was no file for '.$vv.' in '.$tmpFile);}
} elseif ($this->conf['debug']) {debug('Extension "'.$fI['extension'].'" not allowed');}
} elseif ($this->conf['debug']) {debug('Filename matched illegal pattern.');}
// Copy the files in the resulting array to the proper positions based on preview/non-preview.
while(list(,$infoArr)=each($finalFilesArr)) {
if ($this->isPreview()) { // If the form is a preview form (and data is therefore not going into the database...) do this.
$fI = pathinfo($infoArr['name']);
$tmpFilename = $this->theTable.'_'.t3lib_div::shortmd5(uniqid($infoArr['name'])).'.'.$fI['extension'];
$theDestFile = $this->fileFunc->getUniqueName($this->fileFunc->cleanFileName($tmpFilename), PATH_site.'typo3temp/');
// Setting the filename in the list
$fI2 = pathinfo($theDestFile);
$fileNameList[] = $fI2['basename'].'|'.$infoArr['name'];
} else {
if (is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->theTable]['columns'][$theField])) {
$uploadPath = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->theTable]['columns'][$theField]['config']['uploadfolder'];
if ($uploadPath) {
$theDestFile = $this->fileFunc->getUniqueName($this->fileFunc->cleanFileName($infoArr['name']), PATH_site.$uploadPath);
// Setting the filename in the list
$fI2 = pathinfo($theDestFile);
$fileNameList[] = $fI2['basename'];
// Implode the list of filenames
$this->dataArr[$theField] = implode(',',$fileNameList);

* Overriding values in $this->dataArr if configured for that in TypoScript ([edit/create].overrideValues)
* @return void
* @see init()
function overrideValues() {
// Addition of overriding values
if (is_array($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['overrideValues.'])) {
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['overrideValues.'])) {
$this->dataArr[$theField] = $theValue;

* Called if there is no input array in $this->dataArr. Then this function sets the default values configured in TypoScript
* @return void
* @see init()
function defaultValues() {
// Addition of default values
if (is_array($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['defaultValues.'])) {
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['defaultValues.'])) {
$this->dataArr[$theField] = $theValue;

* This will evaluate the input values from $this->dataArr to see if they conforms with the requirements configured in TypoScript per field.
* For example this could be checking if a field contains a valid email address, a unique value, a value within a certain range etc.
* It will populate arrays like $this->failure and $this->failureMsg with error messages (which can later be displayed in the template). Mostly it does NOT alter $this->dataArr (such parsing of values was done by parseValues())
* Works based on configuration in TypoScript key [create/edit].evalValues
* @return void
* @see init(), parseValues()
function evalValues() {
// Check required, set failure if not ok.
while(list(,$theField)=each($this->requiredArr)) {
if (!trim($this->dataArr[$theField])) {

// Evaluate: This evaluates for more advanced things than 'required' does. But it returns the same error code, so you must let the required-message tell, if further evaluation has failed!
if (is_array($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['evalValues.'])) {
switch($this->cmd) {
case 'edit':
if (isset($this->dataArr['pid'])) { // This may be tricked if the input has the pid-field set but the edit-field list does NOT allow the pid to be edited. Then the pid may be false.
$recordTestPid = intval($this->dataArr['pid']);
} else {
$tempRecArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable,$this->dataArr['uid']);
$recordTestPid = intval($tempRecArr['pid']);
$recordTestPid = $this->thePid ? $this->thePid : t3lib_div::intval_positive($this->dataArr['pid']);

while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['evalValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$theCmd = trim($cmdParts[0]);
switch($theCmd) {
case 'uniqueGlobal':
if ($DBrows = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordsByField($this->theTable,$theField,$this->dataArr[$theField],'','','','1')) {
if (!$recExist || $DBrows[0]['uid']!=$this->dataArr['uid']) { // Only issue an error if the record is not existing (if new...) and if the record with the false value selected was not our self.
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = $this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'The value existed already. Enter a new value.');
case 'uniqueLocal':
if ($DBrows = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordsByField($this->theTable,$theField,$this->dataArr[$theField], 'AND pid IN ('.$recordTestPid.')','','','1')) {
if (!$recExist || $DBrows[0]['uid']!=$this->dataArr['uid']) { // Only issue an error if the record is not existing (if new...) and if the record with the false value selected was not our self.
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = $this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'The value existed already. Enter a new value.');
case 'twice':
if (strcmp($this->dataArr[$theField], $this->dataArr[$theField.'_again'])) {
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = $this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'You must enter the same value twice');
case 'email':
if (!$this->cObj->checkEmail($this->dataArr[$theField])) {
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = $this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'You must enter a valid email address');
case 'required':
if (!trim($this->dataArr[$theField])) {
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = $this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'You must enter a value!');
case 'atLeast':
if (strlen($this->dataArr[$theField])<$chars) {
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = sprintf($this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'You must enter at least %s characters!'), $chars);
case 'atMost':
if (strlen($this->dataArr[$theField])>$chars) {
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = sprintf($this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'You must enter at most %s characters!'), $chars);
case 'inBranch':
$pars = explode(';',$cmdParts[1]);
if (intval($pars[0])) {
$pid_list = $this->cObj->getTreeList(
intval($pars[1]) ? intval($pars[1]) : 999,
if (!$pid_list || !t3lib_div::inList($pid_list,$this->dataArr[$theField])) {
$this->failureMsg[$theField][] = sprintf($this->getFailure($theField, $theCmd, 'The value was not a valid valud from this list: %s'), $pid_list);
case 'unsetEmpty':
if (!$this->dataArr[$theField]) {
$hash = array_flip($tempArr);
$tempArr = array_keys($hash);
unset($this->dataArr[$theField]); // This should prevent the field from entering the database.
$this->markerArray['###EVAL_ERROR_FIELD_'.$theField.'###'] = is_array($this->failureMsg[$theField]) ? implode('<br />',$this->failureMsg[$theField]) : '';
$this->failure=implode(',',$tempArr); //$failure will show which fields were not OK

* Preforms user processing of input array - triggered right after the function call to evalValues() IF TypoScript property "evalFunc" was set.
* @param string Key pointing to the property in TypoScript holding the configuration for this processing (here: "evalFunc.*"). Well: at least its safe to say that "parentObj" in this array passed to the function is a reference back to this object.
* @param array The $this->dataArr passed for processing
* @return array The processed $passVar ($this->dataArr)
* @see init(), evalValues()
function userProcess($mConfKey,$passVar) {
if ($this->conf[$mConfKey]) {
$funcConf = $this->conf[$mConfKey.'.'];
$passVar = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->callUserFunction($this->conf[$mConfKey], $funcConf, $passVar);
return $passVar;

* User processing of contnet
* @param string Value of the TypoScript object triggering the processing.
* @param array Properties of the TypoScript object triggering the processing. The key "parentObj" in this array is passed to the function as a reference back to this object.
* @param mixed Input variable to process
* @return mixed Processed input variable, $passVar
* @see userProcess(), save(), modifyDataArrForFormUpdate()
function userProcess_alt($confVal,$confArr,$passVar) {
if ($confVal) {
$funcConf = $confArr;
$passVar = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->callUserFunction($confVal, $funcConf, $passVar);
return $passVar;

* Database manipulation functions

* Performs the saving of records, either edited or created.
* @return void
* @see init()
function save() {
switch($this->cmd) {
case 'edit':
$theUid = $this->dataArr['uid'];
$origArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable,$theUid); // Fetches the original record to check permissions
if ($this->conf['edit'] && ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser || $this->aCAuth($origArr))) { // Must be logged in in order to edit (OR be validated by email)
$newFieldList = implode(',',array_intersect(explode(',',$this->fieldList),t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->conf['edit.']['fields'],1)));
if ($this->aCAuth($origArr) || $this->cObj->DBmayFEUserEdit($this->theTable,$origArr,$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user,$this->conf['allowedGroups'],$this->conf['fe_userEditSelf'])) {
$this->cObj->DBgetUpdate($this->theTable, $theUid, $this->dataArr, $newFieldList, TRUE);
$this->currentArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable,$theUid);
$this->userProcess_alt($this->conf['edit.']['userFunc_afterSave'],$this->conf['edit.']['userFunc_afterSave.'],array('rec'=>$this->currentArr, 'origRec'=>$origArr));
} else {
if ($this->conf['create']) {
$newFieldList = implode(',',array_intersect(explode(',',$this->fieldList),t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->conf['create.']['fields'],1)));
$this->cObj->DBgetInsert($this->theTable, $this->thePid, $this->dataArr, $newFieldList, TRUE);
$newId = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();

if ($this->theTable=='fe_users' && $this->conf['fe_userOwnSelf']) { // enables users, creating logins, to own them self.
$dataArr = array();
if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->theTable]['ctrl']['fe_cruser_id']) {
if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->theTable]['ctrl']['fe_crgroup_id']) {
if (count($dataArr)) {
$this->cObj->DBgetUpdate($this->theTable, $newId, $dataArr, $extraList, TRUE);

$this->currentArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable,$newId);

* Deletes the record from table/uid, $this->theTable/$this->recUid, IF the fe-user has permission to do so.
* If the deleted flag should just be set, then it is done so. Otherwise the record truely is deleted along with any attached files.
* Called from init() if "cmd" was set to "delete" (and some other conditions)
* @return string void
* @see init()
function deleteRecord() {
if ($this->conf['delete']) { // If deleting is enabled
$origArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable, $this->recUid);
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser || $this->aCAuth($origArr)) { // Must be logged in OR be authenticated by the aC code in order to delete
// If the recUid selects a record.... (no check here)
if (is_array($origArr)) {
if ($this->aCAuth($origArr) || $this->cObj->DBmayFEUserEdit($this->theTable,$origArr, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user,$this->conf['allowedGroups'],$this->conf['fe_userEditSelf'])) { // Display the form, if access granted.
if (!$GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->theTable]['ctrl']['delete']) { // If the record is fully deleted... then remove the image (or any file) attached.
$this->cObj->DBgetDelete($this->theTable, $this->recUid, TRUE);
$this->currentArr = $origArr;
$this->saved = 1;
} else {
$this->error = '###TEMPLATE_NO_PERMISSIONS###';

* Deletes the files attached to a record and updates the record.
* Table/uid is $this->theTable/$uid
* @param integer Uid number of the record to delete from $this->theTable
* @return void
* @access private
* @see deleteRecord()
function deleteFilesFromRecord($uid) {
$table = $this->theTable;
$rec = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($table,$uid);

while(list($field,$conf)=each($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'])) {
if ($conf['config']['type']=='group' && $conf['config']['internal_type']=='file') {

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid), array($field => ''));

$delFileArr = explode(',',$rec[$field]);
while(list(,$n)=each($delFileArr)) {
if ($n) {
$fpath = $conf['config']['uploadfolder'].'/'.$n;

* Command "display" functions

* Creates the preview display of delete actions
* @return string HTML content
* @see init()
function displayDeleteScreen() {
if ($this->conf['delete']) { // If deleting is enabled
$origArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable, $this->recUid);
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser || $this->aCAuth($origArr)) { // Must be logged in OR be authenticated by the aC code in order to delete
// If the recUid selects a record.... (no check here)
if (is_array($origArr)) {
if ($this->aCAuth($origArr) || $this->cObj->DBmayFEUserEdit($this->theTable,$origArr, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user,$this->conf['allowedGroups'],$this->conf['fe_userEditSelf'])) { // Display the form, if access granted.
$this->markerArray['###HIDDENFIELDS###'].= '<input type="hidden" name="rU" value="'.$this->recUid.'" />';
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_DELETE_PREVIEW###', $origArr);
} else { // Else display error, that you could not edit that particular record...
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_NO_PERMISSIONS###');
} else { // Finally this is if there is no login user. This must tell that you must login. Perhaps link to a page with create-user or login information.
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_AUTH###');
} else {
$content.='Delete-option is not set in TypoScript';
return $content;

* Creates the "create" screen for records
* @return string HTML content
* @see init()
function displayCreateScreen() {
if ($this->conf['create']) {
$templateCode = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, ((!$GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser||$this->conf['create.']['noSpecialLoginForm'])?'###TEMPLATE_CREATE'.$this->previewLabel.'###':'###TEMPLATE_CREATE_LOGIN'.$this->previewLabel.'###'));
$failure = t3lib_div::_GP('noWarnings')?'':$this->failure;
if (!$failure) $templateCode = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($templateCode, '###SUB_REQUIRED_FIELDS_WARNING###', '');

$templateCode = $this->removeRequired($templateCode,$failure);

$markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $this->dataArr, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC);
if ($this->conf['create.']['preview'] && !$this->previewLabel) {$markerArray['###HIDDENFIELDS###'].= '<input type="hidden" name="preview" value="1" />';}
$content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($templateCode, $markerArray);
$content.=$this->cObj->getUpdateJS($this->modifyDataArrForFormUpdate($this->dataArr), $this->theTable.'_form', 'FE['.$this->theTable.']', $this->fieldList.$this->additionalUpdateFields);
return $content;

* Creates the edit-screen for records
* @return string HTML content
* @see init()
function displayEditScreen() {
if ($this->conf['edit']) { // If editing is enabled
$origArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable, $this->dataArr['uid']?$this->dataArr['uid']:$this->recUid);

if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser || $this->aCAuth($origArr)) { // Must be logged in OR be authenticated by the aC code in order to edit
// If the recUid selects a record.... (no check here)
if (is_array($origArr)) {
if ($this->aCAuth($origArr) || $this->cObj->DBmayFEUserEdit($this->theTable,$origArr, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user,$this->conf['allowedGroups'],$this->conf['fe_userEditSelf'])) { // Display the form, if access granted.
} else { // Else display error, that you could not edit that particular record...
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_NO_PERMISSIONS###');
} elseif ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) { // If the recUid did not select a record, we display a menu of records. (eg. if no recUid)
$lockPid = $this->conf['edit.']['menuLockPid'] ? ' AND pid='.intval($this->thePid) : '';

$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', $this->theTable, '1 '.$lockPid.$this->cObj->DBmayFEUserEditSelect($this->theTable,$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user, $this->conf['allowedGroups'],$this->conf['fe_userEditSelf']).$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->deleteClause($this->theTable));

if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res)) { // If there are menu-items ...
$templateCode = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_EDITMENU###');
$itemCode = $this->cObj->getSubpart($templateCode, '###ITEM###');
while($menuRow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray(array(), $menuRow, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC);
$markerArray = $this->setCObjects($itemCode,$menuRow,$markerArray,'ITEM_');
$out.= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($itemCode, $markerArray);
$content=$this->cObj->substituteSubpart($templateCode, '###ALLITEMS###', $out);
} else { // If there are not menu items....
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_EDITMENU_NOITEMS###');
} else {
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_AUTH###');
} else { // Finally this is if there is no login user. This must tell that you must login. Perhaps link to a page with create-user or login information.
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_AUTH###');
} else {
$content.='Edit-option is not set in TypoScript';
return $content;

* Subfunction for displayEditScreen(); Takes a record and creates an edit form based on the template code for it.
* This function is called if the user is editing a record and permitted to do so. Checked in displayEditScreen()
* @param array The array with the record to edit
* @return string HTML content
* @access private
* @see displayEditScreen()
function displayEditForm($origArr) {
$currentArr = is_array($this->dataArr) ? $this->dataArr+$origArr : $origArr;

if ($this->conf['debug']) debug('displayEditForm(): '.'###TEMPLATE_EDIT'.$this->previewLabel.'###',1);
$templateCode = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, '###TEMPLATE_EDIT'.$this->previewLabel.'###');
$failure = t3lib_div::_GP('noWarnings')?'':$this->failure;
if (!$failure) {$templateCode = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($templateCode, '###SUB_REQUIRED_FIELDS_WARNING###', '');}

$templateCode = $this->removeRequired($templateCode,$failure);


$markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $currentArr, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC);

$markerArray['###HIDDENFIELDS###'].= '<input type="hidden" name="FE['.$this->theTable.'][uid]" value="'.$currentArr['uid'].'" />';
if ($this->conf['edit.']['preview'] && !$this->previewLabel) {$markerArray['###HIDDENFIELDS###'].= '<input type="hidden" name="preview" value="1" />';}
$content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($templateCode, $markerArray);
$content.=$this->cObj->getUpdateJS($this->modifyDataArrForFormUpdate($currentArr), $this->theTable.'_form', 'FE['.$this->theTable.']', $this->fieldList.$this->additionalUpdateFields);

return $content;

* Processes socalled "setfixed" commands. These are commands setting a certain field in a certain record to a certain value. Like a link you can click in an email which will unhide a record to enable something. Or likewise a link which can delete a record by a single click.
* The idea is that only some allowed actions like this is allowed depending on the configured TypoScript.
* @return string HTML content displaying the status of the action
function procesSetFixed() {
if ($this->conf['setfixed.']) {
$theUid = intval($this->recUid);
$origArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable, $theUid);
$fD = t3lib_div::_GP('fD');
$sFK = t3lib_div::_GP('sFK');

if (is_array($fD) || $sFK=='DELETE') {
if (is_array($fD)) {
while(list($field,$value)=each($fD)) {
$theCode = $this->setfixedHash($origArr,$origArr['_FIELDLIST']);
if (!strcmp($this->authCode,$theCode)) {
if ($sFK=='DELETE') {
$this->cObj->DBgetDelete($this->theTable, $theUid, TRUE);
} else {
$newFieldList = implode(',',array_intersect(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->fieldList),t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',implode($fieldArr,','),1)));
$this->cObj->DBgetUpdate($this->theTable, $theUid, $fD, $newFieldList, TRUE);
$this->currentArr = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord($this->theTable,$theUid);
$this->userProcess_alt($this->conf['setfixed.']['userFunc_afterSave'],$this->conf['setfixed.']['userFunc_afterSave.'],array('rec'=>$this->currentArr, 'origRec'=>$origArr));

// Outputting template
$this->markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $origArr, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC);
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_SETFIXED_OK_'.$sFK.'###');
if (!$content) {$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_SETFIXED_OK###');}

// Compiling email
// Clearing cache if set:
} else $content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_SETFIXED_FAILED###');
} else $content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_SETFIXED_FAILED###');
return $content;

* Template processing functions

* Remove required parts from template code string
* Works like this:
* - You insert subparts like this ###SUB_REQUIRED_FIELD_'.$theField.'### in the template that tells what is required for the field, if it's not correct filled in.
* - These subparts are all removed, except if the field is listed in $failure string!
* Only fields that are found in $this->requiredArr is processed.
* @param string The template HTML code
* @param string Comma list of fields which has errors (and therefore should not be removed)
* @return string The processed template HTML code
function removeRequired($templateCode,$failure) {
while(list(,$theField)=each($this->requiredArr)) {
if (!t3lib_div::inList($failure,$theField)) {
$templateCode = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($templateCode, '###SUB_REQUIRED_FIELD_'.$theField.'###', '');
return $templateCode;

* Returns template subpart HTML code for the key given
* @param string Subpart marker to return subpart for.
* @param array Optional data record array. If set, then all fields herein will also be substituted if found as markers in the template
* @return string The subpart with all markers found in current $this->markerArray substituted.
* @see tslib_cObj::fillInMarkerArray()
function getPlainTemplate($key,$r='') {
if ($this->conf['debug']) debug('getPlainTemplate(): '.$key,1);
$templateCode = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, $key);
return $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray(
is_array($r) ? $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $r, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC) : $this->markerArray

* Modifies input array for passing on to tslib_cObj::getUpdateJS() which produces some JavaScript for form evaluation or the like.
* @param array The data array
* @return array The processed input array
* @see displayCreateScreen(), displayEditForm(), tslib_cObj::getUpdateJS()
function modifyDataArrForFormUpdate($inputArr) {
if (is_array($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['evalValues.'])) {
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['evalValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$theCmd = trim($cmdParts[0]);
switch($theCmd) {
case 'twice':
if (isset($inputArr[$theField])) {
if (!isset($inputArr[$theField.'_again'])) {
$inputArr[$theField.'_again'] = $inputArr[$theField];
if (is_array($this->conf['parseValues.'])) {
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf['parseValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$theCmd = trim($cmdParts[0]);
switch($theCmd) {
case 'multiple':
if (isset($inputArr[$theField]) && !$this->isPreview()) {
$inputArr[$theField] = explode(',',$inputArr[$theField]);
case 'checkArray':
if ($inputArr[$theField] && !$this->isPreview()) {
for($a=0;$a<=30;$a++) {
if ($inputArr[$theField] & pow(2,$a)) {
$alt_theField = $theField.']['.$a;
$inputArr[$alt_theField] = 1;

$inputArr = $this->userProcess_alt(

return $inputArr;

* Will render TypoScript cObjects (configured in $this->conf['cObjects.']) and add their content to keys in a markerArray, either the array passed to the function or the internal one ($this->markerArray) if the input $markerArray is not set.
* @param string The current template code string. Is used to check if the marker string is found and if not, the content object is not rendered!
* @param array An alternative data record array (if empty then $this->dataArr is used)
* @param mixed An alternative markerArray to fill in (instead of $this->markerArray). If you want to set the cobjects in the internal $this->markerArray, then just set this to non-array value.
* @param string Optional prefix to set for the marker strings.
* @return array The processed $markerArray (if given).
function setCObjects($templateCode,$currentArr=array(),$markerArray='',$specialPrefix='') {
if (is_array($this->conf['cObjects.'])) {

while(list($theKey,$theConf)=each($this->conf['cObjects.'])) {
if (!strstr($theKey,'.')) {
if (strstr($templateCode,'###'.$specialPrefix.'CE_'.$theKey.'###')) {
$cObjCode = $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['cObjects.'][$theKey], $this->conf['cObjects.'][$theKey.'.'], 'cObjects.'.$theKey);

if (!is_array($markerArray)) {
$this->markerArray['###'.$specialPrefix.'CE_'.$theKey.'###'] = $cObjCode;
} else {
$markerArray['###'.$specialPrefix.'CE_'.$theKey.'###'] = $cObjCode;
if (strstr($templateCode,'###'.$specialPrefix.'PCE_'.$theKey.'###')) {
$local_cObj =t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
$cObjCode = $local_cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['cObjects.'][$theKey], $this->conf['cObjects.'][$theKey.'.'], 'cObjects.'.$theKey);

if (!is_array($markerArray)) {
$this->markerArray['###'.$specialPrefix.'PCE_'.$theKey.'###'] = $cObjCode;
} else {
$markerArray['###'.$specialPrefix.'PCE_'.$theKey.'###'] = $cObjCode;
return $markerArray;

* Emailing

* Sends info mail to user
* @return string HTML content message
* @see init(),compileMail(), sendMail()
function sendInfoMail() {
if ($this->conf['infomail'] && $this->conf['email.']['field']) {
$fetch = t3lib_div::_GP('fetch');
if ($fetch) {
// Getting infomail config.
$key= trim(t3lib_div::_GP('key'));
if (is_array($this->conf['infomail.'][$key.'.'])) {
$config = $this->conf['infomail.'][$key.'.'];
} else {
$config = $this->conf['infomail.']['default.'];
if (!$config['dontLockPid']) {
$pidLock='AND pid IN ('.$this->thePid.') ';

// Getting records
if (t3lib_div::testInt($fetch)) {
$DBrows = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordsByField($this->theTable,'uid',$fetch,$pidLock,'','','1');
} elseif ($fetch) { // $this->conf['email.']['field'] must be a valid field in the table!
$DBrows = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordsByField($this->theTable,$this->conf['email.']['field'],$fetch,$pidLock,'','','100');

// Processing records
if (is_array($DBrows)) {
$recipient = $DBrows[0][$this->conf['email.']['field']];
$this->compileMail($config['label'], $DBrows, $recipient, $this->conf['setfixed.']);
} elseif ($this->cObj->checkEmail($fetch)) {
$this->sendMail($fetch, '', trim($this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, '###'.$this->emailMarkPrefix.'NORECORD###')));

$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_INFOMAIL_SENT###');
} else {
$content = $this->getPlainTemplate('###TEMPLATE_INFOMAIL###');
} else $content='Error: infomail option is not available or emailField is not setup in TypoScript';
return $content;

* Compiles and sends a mail based on input values + template parts. Looks for a normal and an "-admin" template and may send both kinds of emails. See documentation in TSref.
* @param string A key which together with $this->emailMarkPrefix will identify the part from the template code to use for the email.
* @param array An array of records which fields are substituted in the templates
* @param mixed Mail recipient. If string then its supposed to be an email address. If integer then its a uid of a fe_users record which is looked up and the email address from here is used for sending the mail.
* @param array Additional fields to set in the markerArray used in the substitution process
* @return void
function compileMail($key, $DBrows, $recipient, $setFixedConfig=array()) {
$key = $this->emailMarkPrefix.$key;

$userContent['all'] = trim($this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, '###'.$key.'###'));
$adminContent['all'] = trim($this->cObj->getSubpart($this->templateCode, '###'.$key.'-ADMIN###'));
$userContent['rec'] = $this->cObj->getSubpart($userContent['all'], '###SUB_RECORD###');
$adminContent['rec'] = $this->cObj->getSubpart($adminContent['all'], '###SUB_RECORD###');

while(list(,$r)=each($DBrows)) {
$markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $r,'',0);
$markerArray = $this->setCObjects($userContent['rec'].$adminContent['rec'],$r,$markerArray,'ITEM_');
$markerArray['###SYS_AUTHCODE###'] = $this->authCode($r);
$markerArray = $this->setfixed($markerArray, $setFixedConfig, $r);

if ($userContent['rec']) $userContent['accum'] .=$this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($userContent['rec'], $markerArray);
if ($adminContent['rec']) $adminContent['accum'].=$this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($adminContent['rec'], $markerArray);

if ($userContent['all']) $userContent['final'] .=$this->cObj->substituteSubpart($userContent['all'], '###SUB_RECORD###', $userContent['accum']);
if ($adminContent['all']) $adminContent['final'].=$this->cObj->substituteSubpart($adminContent['all'], '###SUB_RECORD###', $adminContent['accum']);

if (t3lib_div::testInt($recipient)) {
$fe_userRec = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRawRecord('fe_users',$recipient);

$GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Template key: ###'.$key.'###, userContentLength: '.strlen($userContent['final']).', adminContentLength: '.strlen($adminContent['final']));

$this->sendMail($recipient, $this->conf['email.']['admin'], $userContent['final'], $adminContent['final']);

* Actually sends the requested mails (through $this->cObj->sendNotifyEmail)
* @param string Recipient email address (or list)
* @param string Possible "admin" email address. Will enable sending of admin emails if also $adminContent is provided
* @param string Content for the regular email to user
* @param string Content for the admin email to administrator
* @return void
* @access private
* @see compileMail(), sendInfoMail()
function sendMail($recipient, $admin, $content='', $adminContent='') {
// Admin mail:
if ($admin && $adminContent) {
if (!$this->isHTMLContent($adminContent)) {
$admMail = $this->cObj->sendNotifyEmail($adminContent,
} else {
// user mail:
if (!$this->isHTMLContent($content)) {
'', // ($admMail ? '' : $admin), // If the special administration mail was not found and send, the regular is...
} else {
'', // ($admMail ? '' : $admin), // If the special administration mail was not found and send, the regular is...

* Detects if content is HTML (looking for <html> tag as first and last in string)
* @param string Content string to test
* @return boolean Returns true if the content begins and ends with <html></html>-tags
function isHTMLContent($c) {
$c = trim($c);
$first = strtolower(substr($c,0,6));
$last = strtolower(substr($c,-7));
if ($first.$last=='<html></html>') return 1;

* Sending HTML email, using same parameters as tslib_cObj::sendNotifyEmail()
* NOTICE: "t3lib_htmlmail" library must be included for this to work, otherwise an error message is outputted.
* @param string The message content. If blank, no email is sent.
* @param string Comma list of recipient email addresses
* @param string IGNORE this parameter
* @param string "From" email address
* @param string Optional "From" name
* @param string Optional "Reply-To" header email address.
* @return void
* @access private
* @see sendMail(), tslib_cObj::sendNotifyEmail()
function sendHTMLMail($content,$recipient,$dummy,$fromEmail,$fromName,$replyTo='') {
if (trim($recipient) && trim($content)) {
if (class_exists($cls)) { // If htmlmail lib is included, then generate a nice HTML-email
$parts = spliti('<title>|</title>',$content,3);
$subject = trim($parts[1]) ? trim($parts[1]) : 'TYPO3 FE Admin message';

$Typo3_htmlmail = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_htmlmail');

$Typo3_htmlmail->subject = $subject;
$Typo3_htmlmail->from_email = $fromEmail;
$Typo3_htmlmail->from_name = $fromName;
$Typo3_htmlmail->replyto_email = $replyTo ? $replyTo : $fromEmail;
$Typo3_htmlmail->replyto_name = $replyTo ? '' : $fromName;
$Typo3_htmlmail->organisation = '';
$Typo3_htmlmail->priority = 3;

$Typo3_htmlmail->theParts['html']['content'] = $content; // Fetches the content of the page
$Typo3_htmlmail->theParts['html']['path'] = '';
$Typo3_htmlmail->substMediaNamesInHTML(0); // 0 = relative


// SET Headers and Content

// debug($Typo3_htmlmail->theParts);
} else {
debug('SYSTEM ERROR: No HTML-mail library loaded. Set "page.config.incT3Lib_htmlmail = 1" is your TypoScript template.');

* Various helper functions

* Returns true if authentication is OK based on the "aC" code which is a GET parameter set from outside with a hash string which must match some internal hash string.
* This allows to authenticate editing without having a fe_users login
* Uses $this->authCode which is set in init() by "t3lib_div::_GP('aC');"
* @param array The data array for which to evaluate authentication
* @return boolean True if authenticated OK
* @see authCode(), init()
function aCAuth($r) {
if ($this->authCode && !strcmp($this->authCode,$this->authCode($r))) {
return true;

* Creating authentication hash string based on input record and the fields listed in TypoScript property "authcodeFields"
* @param array The data record
* @param string Additional string to include in the hash
* @return string Hash string of $this->codeLength (if TypoScript "authcodeFields" was set)
* @see aCAuth()
function authCode($r,$extra='') {
if ($this->conf['authcodeFields']) {
$fieldArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['authcodeFields'], 1);
while(list(,$field)=each($fieldArr)) {
if ($this->conf['authcodeFields.']['addDate']) {
return substr(md5($value), 0,$l);

* Adding keys to the marker array with "setfixed" GET parameters
* @param array Marker-array to modify/add a key to.
* @param array TypoScript properties configuring "setfixed" for the plugin. Basically this is $this->conf['setfixed.'] passed along.
* @param array The data record
* @return array Processed $markerArray
* @see compileMail()
function setfixed($markerArray, $setfixed, $r) {
if (is_array($setfixed)) {
while(list($theKey,$data)=each($setfixed)) {
if (!strcmp($theKey,'DELETE')) {
$recCopy = $r;
$markerArray['###SYS_SETFIXED_DELETE###'] = $string;
$markerArray['###SYS_SETFIXED_HSC_DELETE###'] = htmlspecialchars($string);
} elseif (strstr($theKey,'.')) {
$theKey = substr($theKey,0,-1);
if (is_array($data)) {
$recCopy = $r;
while(list($fieldName,$fieldValue)=each($data)) {
$markerArray['###SYS_SETFIXED_'.$theKey.'###'] = $string;
$markerArray['###SYS_SETFIXED_HSC_'.$theKey.'###'] = htmlspecialchars($string);
return $markerArray;

* Creating hash string for setFixed. Much similar to authCode()
* @param array The data record
* @param string List of fields to use
* @return string Hash string of $this->codeLength (if TypoScript "authcodeFields" was set)
* @see setfixed(),authCode()
function setfixedHash($recCopy,$fields='') {
if ($fields) {
$fieldArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$fields,1);
while(list($k,$v)=each($fieldArr)) {
} else {
$encStr = implode('|',$recCopy_temp).'|'.$this->conf['authcodeFields.']['addKey'].'|'.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['encryptionKey'];
$hash = substr(md5($encStr),0,$this->codeLength);
return $hash;

* Returns true if preview display is on.
* @return boolean
function isPreview() {
return ($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['preview'] && $this->preview);

* Creates an instance of class "t3lib_basicFileFunctions" in $this->fileFunc (if not already done)
* @return void
function createFileFuncObj() {
if (!$this->fileFunc) {
$this->fileFunc = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_basicFileFunctions');

* If TypoScript property clearCacheOfPages is set then all page ids in this value will have their cache cleared
* @return void
function clearCacheIfSet() {
if ($this->conf['clearCacheOfPages']) {
$cc_pidList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->cleanIntList($this->conf['clearCacheOfPages']);

* Returns an error message for the field/command combination inputted. The error message is looked up in the TypoScript properties (evalErrors.[fieldname].[command]) and if empty then the $label value is returned
* @param string Field name
* @param string Command identifier string
* @param string Alternative label, shown if no other error string was found
* @return string The error message string
function getFailure($theField, $theCmd, $label) {
return isset($this->conf['evalErrors.'][$theField.'.'][$theCmd]) ? $this->conf['evalErrors.'][$theField.'.'][$theCmd] : $label;

if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['media/scripts/']) {