


Bug #16879 ยป 0004827.patch

Administrator Admin, 2007-01-22 13:58

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php (Arbeitskopie)
// render the special alternative title
} elseif ($hasForeignLabel || $hasSymmetricLabel) {
$titleCol = $hasForeignLabel ? $config['foreign_label'] : $config['symmetric_label'];
$recTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValueExtra($foreign_table, $titleCol, $rec[$titleCol]);
$recTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValueExtra($foreign_table, $titleCol, $rec[$titleCol], 0, 0, false);
$recTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitlePrep($recTitle);
$recTitle = $this->fObj->noTitle($recTitle);
if (!strcmp(trim($recTitle),'')) {
$recTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getNoRecordTitle(true);
// render the standard
} else {
$recTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($foreign_table, $rec, true);
t3lib/class.t3lib_befunc.php (Arbeitskopie)
// If the current result is empty, set it to '[No title]' (localized) and prepare for output if requested
if ($prep || $forceResult) {
if ($prep) {
$tOrig = htmlspecialchars($t);
$t = htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($t,$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen']));
if ($tOrig != $t) {
$t = '<span title="'.$tOrig.'">'.$t.'</span>';
$t = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitlePrep($t);
if (!strcmp(trim($t),'')) {
$t = t3lib_BEfunc::getNoRecordTitle($prep);
* Crops a title string to a limited lenght (depending on BE_USER->uc['titleLen'])
* and if it really was cropped, wrap it in a <span title="...">|</span>, which
* offers a tooltip with the original title when moving mouse over it.
* @param string $title: The title string to be cropped
* @return string The processed title string, wrapped in <span title="...">|</span> if cropped
function getRecordTitlePrep($title) {
$titleOrig = htmlspecialchars($title);
$title = htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($title, $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen']));
if ($titleOrig != $title) {
$title = '<span title="'.$titleOrig.'">'.$title.'</span>';
return $title;
* Get a localized [No title] string, wrapped in <em>|</em> if $prep is true.
* @param boolean $prep: Wrap result in <em>|</em>
* @param boolean $defaultPassthrough flag means that values for columns that has no conversion will just be pass through directly (otherwise cropped to 200 chars or returned as "N/A")
* @param boolean If set, no records will be looked up, UIDs are just shown.
* @param integer uid of the current record
* @param boolean If t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle is used to process the value, this parameter is forwarded.
* @return string
function getProcessedValue($table,$col,$value,$fixed_lgd_chars=0,$defaultPassthrough=0,$noRecordLookup=FALSE,$uid=0) {
function getProcessedValue($table,$col,$value,$fixed_lgd_chars=0,$defaultPassthrough=0,$noRecordLookup=FALSE,$uid=0,$forceResult=TRUE) {
global $TCA;
global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
// Load full TCA for $table
'uid IN ('.implode(',', $selectUids).')'
while($MMrow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($MMres)) {
$mmlA[] = ($noRecordLookup?$MMrow['uid']:t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($theColConf['foreign_table'], $MMrow));
$mmlA[] = ($noRecordLookup?$MMrow['uid']:t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($theColConf['foreign_table'], $MMrow, FALSE, $forceResult));
if (is_array($mmlA)) {
$l=implode('; ',$mmlA);
if (is_array($r)) {
} else {
* @param string Field value
* @param integer $fixed_lgd_chars is the max amount of characters the value may occupy
* @param integer uid of the current record
* @param boolean If t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle is used to process the value, this parameter is forwarded.
* @return string
* @see getProcessedValue()
function getProcessedValueExtra($table,$fN,$fV,$fixed_lgd_chars=0,$uid=0) {
function getProcessedValueExtra($table,$fN,$fV,$fixed_lgd_chars=0,$uid=0,$forceResult=TRUE) {
global $TCA;
$fVnew = t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$fV,$fixed_lgd_chars,0,0,$uid);
$fVnew = t3lib_BEfunc::getProcessedValue($table,$fN,$fV,$fixed_lgd_chars,0,0,$uid,$forceResult);
if (!isset($fVnew)) {
if (is_array($TCA[$table])) {
if ($fN==$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['tstamp'] || $fN==$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['crdate']) {