


Feature #17037 » 5066_trunk.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-06-21 23:23

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_page.php (working copy)
} else unset($row); // If the mount point could not be fetched with respect to enableFields, unset the row so it does not become a part of the menu!
// if shortcut, look up if the target exists and is currently visible
// if shortcut, look up if the target exists and is currently visible
if ($row['doktype'] == 4 && ($row['shortcut'] || $row['shortcut_mode']) && $checkShortcuts) {
$shortcutParts = explode('_', $row['shortcut']);
$shortcutUid = intval(array_pop($shortcutParts)); // chop off the uid, separated by '_'. Remark: '_' is likely to be part of the table name as well.
$shortcutTable = implode('_', $shortcutParts); // rebuild the table name
if ($shortcutTable == 'tt_content') { // is this shortcut an anchor to tt_content?
list($shortcutUid, $shortcutSection) = $this->resolveShortcutToContent($shortcutUid);
if ($row['shortcut_mode'] == 0) {
$searchField = 'uid';
$searchUid = intval($row['shortcut']);
$searchUid = $shortcutUid;
} else { // check subpages - first subpage or random subpage
$searchField = 'pid';
// If a shortcut mode is set and no valid page is given to select subpags from use the actual page.
$searchUid = intval($row['shortcut'])?intval($row['shortcut']):$row['uid'];
// If a shortcut mode is set and no valid page is given to select subpags from use the actual page.
$searchUid = ($shortcutUid > 0) ? $shortcutUid : $row['uid'];
$res2 = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', 'pages', $searchField.'='.$searchUid.$this->where_hid_del.$this->where_groupAccess.' '.$addWhere, '', $sortField);
if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res2)) {
return ($ws['_ACCESS'] != '');
* Resolves shortcut links to tt_content elements: an array ( pid=int, uid=int|false ) will be returned.
* A workspace overlay is performed, if applicable.
* For the pid, it doesn't matter, if the uid is deleted or not visible even for WS reasons.
* For the uid, this is relevant: If the tt_content linked to is not visible for any reason, no id but false is returned.
* @param integer The tt_content id
* @return array Array with two elements: (1) int: pid of tt_content (2) int or false: uid of tt_content, if visible
* @see tslib_menu::link(), tslib_fe::getPageAndRootline
function resolveShortcutToContent($contentUid) {
$pid = false;
$uid = false;
// first: get the tt_content record, disregarding any disabled fields:
// If the record turns out to be disabled (even deleted), we want at least return its pid.
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tt_content', 'uid=' . $contentUid);
$shortcutContent = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($shortcutContent) { // WS overlay.
if ($shortcutContent['pid'] > 0) { // Save record from Live WS, if any.
$liveRecord = $shortcutContent;
} else {
$liveRecord = false;
$this->versionOL('tt_content', $shortcutContent, false, false); // get WS overlay. May unset $shortcutContent.
if (!is_array($shortcutContent) && is_array($liveRecord)) {
// WS overlay failed, but there is a live version => fallback to live WS
$pid = $liveRecord['pid'];
$uid = $liveRecord['uid'];
} elseif (is_array($shortcutContent)) {
// WS overlay was successful
$pid = $shortcutContent['pid'];
// uid is returned, if current ws id matches the one overlayed
if ( $this->versioningWorkspaceId == $shortcutContent['t3ver_wsid'] ||
) {
$uid = $shortcutContent['uid'];
} else {
$uid = false;
} else {
// failsafe: no live record, no workspace record.
// fall back to current page
$pid = $this->fixVersioningPid('tt_content',$shortcutContent);
$uid = false;
} else {
// failsafe: the tt_content record didn't even exist.
// fall back to current page
$linkpid = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
$uid = false;
// now check, if the WS overlayed tt_content record itself and its parent page is accessible
if ( $uid && !is_array($this->checkRecord('tt_content',$uid)) ||
$uid && !is_array($this->checkRecord('pages',$pid))
) {
$uid = false;
return array($pid, $uid);
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_page.php']) {
typo3/sysext/cms/ext_tables.php (working copy)
'config' => array (
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'db',
'allowed' => 'pages',
'allowed' => 'pages,tt_content',
'size' => '3',
'maxitems' => '1',
'minitems' => '0',
typo3/sysext/cms/ext_tables.sql (working copy)
starttime int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
endtime int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
urltype tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
shortcut int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
shortcut varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
shortcut_mode int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
no_cache int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
fe_group varchar(100) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_fe.php (working copy)
// Is the ID a link to another page??
if ($this->page['doktype']==4) {
$this->MP = ''; // We need to clear MP if the page is a shortcut. Reason is if the short cut goes to another page, then we LEAVE the rootline which the MP expects.
$this->page = $this->getPageShortcut($this->page['shortcut'],$this->page['shortcut_mode'],$this->page['uid']);
// Handle type of shortcut: Either of type pages or anything else (e.g. tt_content)
$shortcutParts = explode('_', $this->page['shortcut']);
$shortcutUid = array_pop($shortcutParts);
$shortcutTable = implode('_', $shortcutParts);
if (strlen($shortcutTable)==0 || $shortcutTable=='pages') {
$this->page = $this->getPageShortcut($shortcutUid,$this->page['shortcut_mode'],$this->page['uid']);
} elseif ($shortcutTable == 'tt_content') { // is this shortcut an anchor to tt_content?
list($shortcutUid,$sectionUid) = $this->sys_page->resolveShortcutToContent($shortcutUid);
$this->page = $this->getPageShortcut($shortcutUid,$this->page['shortcut_mode'],$this->page['uid']);
$this->id = $this->page['uid'];
typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_menu.php (working copy)
$res = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->exec_getQuery('pages',Array('pidInList'=>$id,'orderBy'=>$altSortField));
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if (is_array($row)) {
// Keep mount point?
$mount_info = $this->sys_page->getMountPointInfo($row['uid'], $row);
// Setting main target:
$mainTarget = $altTarget ? $altTarget : $this->mconf['target'];
// Creating link:
if ($this->mconf['collapse'] && $this->isActive($this->menuArr[$key]['uid'], $this->getMPvar($key))) {
// collapse active menu item, link to pid
$thePage = $this->sys_page->getPage($this->menuArr[$key]['pid']);
$LD = $this->menuTypoLink($thePage,$mainTarget,'','',$overrideArray, $this->mconf['addParams'].$MP_params.$this->menuArr[$key]['_ADD_GETVARS'], $typeOverride);
} else {
$LD = $this->menuTypoLink($this->menuArr[$key],$mainTarget,'','',$overrideArray, $this->mconf['addParams'].$MP_params.$this->I['val']['additionalParams'].$this->menuArr[$key]['_ADD_GETVARS'], $typeOverride);
// Handle shortcut menut item (may be an anchorlink to a tt_content element as well)
if ($this->menuArr[$key]['doktype'] == 4) {
$shortcutPage = $this->menuArr[$key];
if (strlen($shortcutPage['shortcut']) > 0 && $shortcutPage['shortcut'] != '0') {
$shortcutParts = explode('_', $shortcutPage['shortcut']);
$shortcutUid = intval(array_pop($shortcutParts)); // chop off the uid, separated by'_'. Remark: '_' is likely to be part of the table name as well.
$shortcutTable = implode('_', $shortcutParts); // rebuild the table name
if ($shortcutTable == 'tt_content') { // is this shortcut an anchor to tt_content?
// returns: array (pid , uid to content or false, if WS overlay or access to content failed)
list ($shortcutPid, $shortcutUid) = $this->sys_page->resolveShortcutToContent($shortcutUid);
$shortcutPage = $this->sys_page->getPage($shortcutPid);
// can we link to the content?
$shortcutPage['uid'].= ($shortcutUid) ? ('#'.$shortcutUid) : '';
} elseif ($shortcutTable == 'pages') {
$shortcutPage = $this->sys_page->getPage($shortcutUid);
} else {
// failsafe: shortcut page set, but no shortcut target chosen: take current page
$shortcutPage = $this->sys_page->getPage($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id);
$LD = $this->menuTypoLink($shortcutPage,$mainTarget,'','',$overrideArray, $this->mconf['addParams'].$MP_params.$this->I['val']['additionalParams'].$this->menuArr[$key]['_ADD_GETVARS'], $typeOverride);
} else {
$LD = $this->menuTypoLink($this->menuArr[$key],$mainTarget,'','',$overrideArray, $this->mconf['addParams'].$MP_params.$this->I['val']['additionalParams'].$this->menuArr[$key]['_ADD_GETVARS'], $typeOverride);
// Override URL if using "External URL" as doktype with a valid e-mail address: