


Bug #17113 ยป 5205.diff

Administrator Admin, 2008-08-19 11:00

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php (working copy)
$LOCAL_LANG = array('default'=>$LOCAL_LANG['default'], $langKey=>$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]); }
} else {
die('File "'.$file.'" not found!');
die('File "' . $fileRef. '" not found!');
// Get PHP data
if (!is_array($LOCAL_LANG)) {
die('\''.$fileRef.'\' is no TYPO3 language file)!');
$fileName = substr($fileRef, strlen(PATH_site));
die('\'' . $fileName . '\' is no TYPO3 language file)!');
// converting the default language (English)
$xmlString = t3lib_div::getUrl($fileRef);
$xmlContent = t3lib_div::xml2array($xmlString);
if (!is_array($xmlContent)) {
die('The file "'.$fileRef.'" is no TYPO3 language file!');
$fileName = substr($fileRef, strlen(PATH_site));
die('The file "' . $fileName . '" is no TYPO3 language file!');
// Set default LOCAL_LANG array content:
$local_xmlString = t3lib_div::getUrl($localized_file);
$local_xmlContent = t3lib_div::xml2array($local_xmlString);
if (!is_array($local_xmlContent)) {
die('The file "'.$localized_file.'" is no TYPO3 language file!');
$fileName = substr($localized_file, strlen(PATH_site));
die('The file "' . $fileName . '" is no TYPO3 language file!');
$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = is_array($local_xmlContent['data'][$langKey]) ? $local_xmlContent['data'][$langKey] : array();
// Cache the content now:
$serContent = array('extlang'=>$langKey, 'origFile'=>$hashSource, 'EXT_DATA'=>$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]);
$res = t3lib_div::writeFileToTypo3tempDir($cacheFileName, serialize($serContent));
if ($res) die('ERROR: '.$res);
if ($res) {
die('ERROR: '.$res);
} else {
// Get content from cache:
$serContent = unserialize(t3lib_div::getUrl($cacheFileName));