


Feature #17247 » bug5500_configurable.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-01-12 14:28

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php (working copy)
// Put the current level also to the dynNestedStack of TCEforms:
$this->fObj->pushToDynNestedStack('inline', $objectId);
$header = $this->renderForeignRecordHeader($parentUid, $foreign_table, $rec, $config, $isVirtualRecord);
if (!$isVirtualRecord) {
$combination = $this->renderCombinationTable($rec, $appendFormFieldNames, $config);
$fields = $this->renderMainFields($foreign_table, $rec);
$fields = $this->wrapFormsSection($fields);
// Get configuration:
$collapseAll = (isset($config['appearance']['collapseAll']) && $config['appearance']['collapseAll']);
$ajaxLoad = (isset($config['appearance']['ajaxLoad']) && !$config['appearance']['ajaxLoad']) ? false : true;
if ($isNewRecord) {
// show this record expanded or collapsed
$isExpanded = (!$collapseAll ? 1 : 0);
} else {
$isExpanded = ($config['renderFieldsOnly'] || (!$collapseAll && $this->getExpandedCollapsedState($foreign_table, $rec['uid'])));
// Render full content ONLY IF this is a AJAX-request, a new record, the record is not collapsed or AJAX-loading is explicitly turned off
if ($isNewRecord || $isExpanded || !$ajaxLoad) {
$combination = $this->renderCombinationTable($rec, $appendFormFieldNames, $config);
$fields = $this->renderMainFields($foreign_table, $rec);
$fields = $this->wrapFormsSection($fields);
// Replace returnUrl in Wizard-Code, if this is an AJAX call
$ajaxArguments = t3lib_div::_GP('ajax');
if (isset($ajaxArguments[2]) && trim($ajaxArguments[2]) != '') {
$fields = str_replace('P[returnUrl]=%2Ftypo3%2Fajax.php', 'P[returnUrl]=' . rawurlencode($ajaxArguments[2]), $fields);
} else {
$combination = '';
// This string is the marker for the JS-function to check if the full content has already been loaded
$fields = '<!--notloaded-->';
if ($isNewRecord) {
// get the top parent table
$top = $this->getStructureLevel(0);
$ucFieldName = 'uc[inlineView]['.$top['table'].']['.$top['uid'].']'.$appendFormFieldNames;
$fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->prependFormFieldNames.$appendFormFieldNames.'[pid]" value="'.$rec['pid'].'"/>';
$fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$ucFieldName.'" value="'.$isExpanded.'" />';
} else {
// show this record expanded or collapsed
$isExpanded = (!$collapseAll && $this->getExpandedCollapsedState($foreign_table, $rec['uid']));
// set additional field for processing for saving
$fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->prependCmdFieldNames.$appendFormFieldNames.'[delete]" value="1" disabled="disabled" />';
// set the record container with data for output
$out = '<div id="' . $objectId . '_header">' . $header . '</div>';
$out .= '<div id="' . $objectId . '_fields"' . $appearanceStyleFields . '>' . $fields.$combination . '</div>';
// wrap the header, fields and combination part of a child record with a div container
$classMSIE = ($this->fObj->clientInfo['BROWSER']=='msie' && $this->fObj->clientInfo['VERSION'] < 8 ? 'MSIE' : '');
$class = 'inlineDiv' . $classMSIE . ($isNewRecord ? ' inlineIsNewRecord' : '');
$out = '<div id="' . $objectId . '_div" class="'.$class.'">' . $out . '</div>';
$out = '<div id="' . $objectId . '_fields"' . $appearanceStyleFields . '>' . $fields.$combination . '</div>';
if (!$config['renderFieldsOnly']) {
$header = $this->renderForeignRecordHeader($parentUid, $foreign_table, $rec, $config, $isVirtualRecord);
$out = '<div id="' . $objectId . '_header">' . $header . '</div>' . $out;
// wrap the header, fields and combination part of a child record with a div container
$classMSIE = ($this->fObj->clientInfo['BROWSER']=='msie' && $this->fObj->clientInfo['VERSION'] < 8 ? 'MSIE' : '');
$class = 'inlineDiv' . $classMSIE . ($isNewRecord ? ' inlineIsNewRecord' : '');
$out = '<div id="' . $objectId . '_div" class="'.$class.'">' . $out . '</div>';
// Remove the current level also from the dynNestedStack of TCEforms:
// Init:
$objectId = $this->inlineNames['object'] . self::Structure_Separator . $foreign_table . self::Structure_Separator . $rec['uid'];
$expandSingle = $config['appearance']['expandSingle'] ? 1 : 0;
$onClick = "return inline.expandCollapseRecord('" . htmlspecialchars($objectId) . "', $expandSingle)";
// we need the returnUrl of the main script when loading the fields via AJAX-call (to correct wizard code, so include it as 3rd parameter)
$onClick = "return inline.expandCollapseRecord('" . htmlspecialchars($objectId) . "', $expandSingle, '" . rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . "')";
// Pre-Processing:
$isOnSymmetricSide = t3lib_loadDBGroup::isOnSymmetricSide($parentUid, $config, $rec);
switch ($ajaxMethod) {
case 'createNewRecord':
case 'synchronizeLocalizeRecords':
case 'getRecordDetails':
$this->isAjaxCall = true;
// Construct runtime environment for Inline Relational Record Editing:
// Return the JSON array:
return $jsonArray;
* Handle AJAX calls to dynamically load the form fields of a given record.
* (basically a copy of "createNewRecord")
* Normally this method is never called from inside TYPO3. Always from outside by AJAX.
* @param string $domObjectId: The calling object in hierarchy, that requested a new record.
* @return array An array to be used for JSON
function getRecordDetails($domObjectId) {
// the current table - for this table we should add/import records
$current = $this->inlineStructure['unstable'];
// the parent table - this table embeds the current table
$parent = $this->getStructureLevel(-1);
// get TCA 'config' of the parent table
if (!$this->checkConfiguration($parent['config'])) {
return $this->getErrorMessageForAJAX('Wrong configuration in table ' . $parent['table']);
$config = $parent['config'];
// set flag in config so that only the fields are rendered
$config['renderFieldsOnly'] = true;
$collapseAll = (isset($config['appearance']['collapseAll']) && $config['appearance']['collapseAll']);
$expandSingle = (isset($config['appearance']['expandSingle']) && $config['appearance']['expandSingle']);
// Put the current level also to the dynNestedStack of TCEforms:
$this->fObj->pushToDynNestedStack('inline', $this->inlineNames['object']);
$record = $this->getRecord($this->inlineFirstPid, $current['table'], $current['uid']);
// the HTML-object-id's prefix of the dynamically created record
$objectPrefix = $this->inlineNames['object'] . self::Structure_Separator . $current['table'];
$objectId = $objectPrefix . self::Structure_Separator . $record['uid'];
$item = $this->renderForeignRecord($parent['uid'], $record, $config);
if($item === false) {
return $this->getErrorMessageForAJAX('Access denied');
// Encode TCEforms AJAX response with utf-8:
$item = $GLOBALS['LANG']->csConvObj->utf8_encode($item, $GLOBALS['LANG']->charSet);
$jsonArray = array(
'data' => $item,
'scriptCall' => array(
$this->getCommonScriptCalls($jsonArray, $config);
// Collapse all other records if requested:
if (!$collapseAll && $expandSingle) {
$jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = "inline.collapseAllRecords('$objectId', '$objectPrefix', '".$record['uid']."');";
// Remove the current level also from the dynNestedStack of TCEforms:
// Return the JSON array:
return $jsonArray;
* Handle AJAX calls to localize all records of a parent, localize a single record or to synchronize with the original language parent.
t3lib/config_default.php (working copy)
'SC_alt_file_navframe::expandCollapse' => 'typo3/alt_file_navframe.php:SC_alt_file_navframe->ajaxExpandCollapse',
'TYPO3_tcefile::process' => 'typo3/classes/class.typo3_tcefile.php:TYPO3_tcefile->processAjaxRequest',
't3lib_TCEforms_inline::createNewRecord' => 't3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php:t3lib_TCEforms_inline->processAjaxRequest',
't3lib_TCEforms_inline::getRecordDetails' => 't3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php:t3lib_TCEforms_inline->processAjaxRequest',
't3lib_TCEforms_inline::synchronizeLocalizeRecords' => 't3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php:t3lib_TCEforms_inline->processAjaxRequest',
't3lib_TCEforms_inline::setExpandedCollapsedState' => 't3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php:t3lib_TCEforms_inline->processAjaxRequest',
't3lib_TCEforms_suggest::searchRecord' => 't3lib/tceforms/class.t3lib_tceforms_suggest.php:t3lib_TCEforms_suggest->processAjaxRequest',
t3lib/jsfunc.inline.js (working copy)
setPrependFormFieldNames: function(value) { this.prependFormFieldNames = value; },
setNoTitleString: function(value) { this.noTitleString = value; },
expandCollapseRecord: function(objectId, expandSingle) {
expandCollapseRecord: function(objectId, expandSingle, returnURL) {
var currentUid = this.parseObjectId('none', objectId, 1);
var objectPrefix = this.parseObjectId('full', objectId, 0, 1);
// if content is not loaded yet, get it now from server
if ($(objectId+'_fields') && $(objectId+'_fields').innerHTML.substr(0,16) == '<!--notloaded-->')
return this.getRecordDetails(returnURL, objectId);
var currentState = '';
var collapse = new Array();
var expand = new Array();
ucFormObj[0].value = value;
getRecordDetails: function(returnURL, objectId) {
inline.makeAjaxCall('getRecordDetails', [inline.getNumberOfRTE(), objectId, returnURL], true);
return false;
createNewRecord: function(objectId, recordUid) {
if (this.isBelowMax(objectId)) {
new Insertion.After(insertObject, htmlData);
domAddRecordDetails: function(insertObject, objectPrefix, htmlData) {
if (!$(insertObject) || $(insertObject).innerHTML.substr(0,16) != '<!--notloaded-->')
// Get script and link elements from head tag:
getDomHeadChildren: function(head) {