


Bug #17255 » 0005514_v3.patch

Administrator Admin, 2007-05-12 23:18

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php (Arbeitskopie)
* @return string A HTML string with <table> tag around.
function renderCombinationTable(&$rec, $appendFormFieldNames, $config = array()) {
$foreign_table = $config['foreign_table'];
$foreign_selector = $config['foreign_selector'];
if ($foreign_selector && $config['appearance']['useCombination']) {
$comboConfig = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['columns'][$foreign_selector]['config'];
$comboConfig = $this->getPossibleRecordsSelectorConfig($config, $foreign_selector);
if ($comboConfig['type'] !== false && $comboConfig['table'] && $config['appearance']['useCombination']) {
$comboRecord = array();
// record does already exist, so load it
if (t3lib_div::testInt($rec[$foreign_selector])) {
// Fetch only the uid if the type is group/db (e.g. tx_myext_table_123):
if ($comboConfig['type'] == 'groupdb') {
$idParts = t3lib_div::revExplode('_', $rec[$foreign_selector], 2);
$comboRecordId = $idParts[1];
$comboRecordIdPrefix = $comboConfig['table'].'_';
} else {
$comboRecordId = $rec[$foreign_selector];
// Record does already exist, load it:
if (t3lib_div::testInt($comboRecordId)) {
$comboRecord = $this->getRecord(
$isNewRecord = false;
// it's a new record, so get some default data
// It is a new record, create a new record virtually:
} else {
$comboRecord = $this->getNewRecord(
$comboRecordId = $comboRecord['uid'];
$isNewRecord = true;
// get the TCEforms interpretation of the TCA of the child table
$out = $this->fObj->getMainFields($comboConfig['foreign_table'], $comboRecord);
// Render the form fields for the comboRecord using TCEforms:
$out = $this->fObj->getMainFields($comboConfig['table'], $comboRecord);
$out = $this->wrapFormsSection($out, array(), array('class' => 'wrapperAttention'));
// if this is a new record, add a pid value to store this record and the pointer value for the intermediate table
// If comboRecord is new, add the pid value for it:
if ($isNewRecord) {
$comboFormFieldName = $this->prependFormFieldNames.'['.$comboConfig['foreign_table'].']['.$comboRecord['uid'].'][pid]';
$comboFormFieldName = $this->prependFormFieldNames.'['.$comboConfig['table'].']['.$comboRecordId.'][pid]';
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$comboFormFieldName.'" value="'.$this->inlineFirstPid.'"/>';
// if the foreign_selector field is also responsible for uniqueness, tell the browser the uid of the "other" side of the relation
if ($isNewRecord || $config['foreign_unique'] == $foreign_selector) {
// Create the relationship in case of uniqueness or the the intermediate record was dynamically imported or created:
if (!t3lib_div::testInt($rec['uid']) || $config['foreign_unique'] == $foreign_selector) {
$parentFormFieldName = $this->prependFormFieldNames.$appendFormFieldNames.'['.$foreign_selector.']';
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$parentFormFieldName.'" value="'.$comboRecord['uid'].'" />';
$out .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$parentFormFieldName.'" value="'.$comboRecordIdPrefix.$comboRecordId.'" />';
$localMatches += $this->arrayCompareComplex($subjectArray, $value, $type) ? 1 : 0;
// directly compare a value
} else {
$localMatches += isset($subjectArray[$key]) && isset($value) && $subjectArray[$key] === $value ? 1 : 0;
if (isset($subjectArray[$key]) && isset($value)) {
// Boolean match:
if (is_bool($value)) {
$localMatches += (!($subjectArray[$key] xor $value) ? 1 : 0);
// Value match:
} elseif (t3lib_div::testInt($subjectArray[$key]) && t3lib_div::testInt($value)) {
$localMatches += ($subjectArray[$key] == $value ? 1 : 0);
// Value and type match:
} else {
$localMatches += ($subjectArray[$key] === $value ? 1 : 0);
// if one or more matches are required ('OR'), return true after the first successful match
'foreign_table' => $table,
'%OR' => array(
'%AND' => array(
'appearance' => array('useCombination' => 1),
'appearance' => array('useCombination' => true),
'foreign_selector' => $field,
'MM' => $config['MM']
t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php (Arbeitskopie)
// For group types:
if ($tcaFieldConf['type']=='group') {
switch($tcaFieldConf['internal_type']) {
case 'file':
$valueArray = $this->checkValue_group_select_file(
case 'db':
$valueArray = $this->checkValue_group_select_processDBdata($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf,$id,$status,'group', $table);
if ($tcaFieldConf['type']=='group' && $tcaFieldConf['internal_type'] == 'file') {
$valueArray = $this->checkValue_group_select_file(
// For select types which has a foreign table attached:
if ($tcaFieldConf['type']=='select' && $tcaFieldConf['foreign_table']) {
// check, if there is a NEW... id in the value, that should be substituded later
// For the types group/db and select with foreign_field:
if ($this->isReferenceField($tcaFieldConf)) {
$type = $tcaFieldConf['type'];
// Check, if there is a NEW... id in the value, that should be substituded (remapped) later:
if (strpos($value, 'NEW') !== false) {
$this->remapStackRecords[$table][$id] = array('remapStackIndex' => count($this->remapStack));
$this->remapStack[] = array(
'func' => 'checkValue_group_select_processDBdata',
'args' => array($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf,$id,$status,'select',$table),
'pos' => array('valueArray' => 0, 'tcaFieldConf' => 1, 'id' => 2, 'table' => 5),
'args' => array($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf,$id,$status,$type,$table),
'pos' => array('valueArray' => 0, 'tcaFieldConf' => 1, 'id' => 2, 'type' => 4, 'table' => 5),
'field' => $field
$unsetResult = true;
} else {
$valueArray = $this->checkValue_group_select_processDBdata($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf,$id,$status,'select', $table);
$valueArray = $this->checkValue_group_select_processDBdata($valueArray,$tcaFieldConf,$id,$status,$type,$table);
$field = $remapAction['field'];
$id = $remapAction['args'][$remapAction['pos']['id']];
$rawId = $id;
$type = $remapAction['args'][$remapAction['pos']['type']];
$table = $remapAction['args'][$remapAction['pos']['table']];
$valueArray = $remapAction['args'][$remapAction['pos']['valueArray']];
$tcaFieldConf = $remapAction['args'][$remapAction['pos']['tcaFieldConf']];
if(is_array($valueArray)) {
foreach($valueArray as $key => $value) {
if(strpos($value, 'NEW') !== false) {
// fetch the proper uid as integer for the NEW...-ID
$valueArray[$key] = $this->substNEWwithIDs[$value];
// set a hint that this was a new child record
// Fetch the proper uid as integer for the NEW... id:
if ($type == 'group') {
$valueParts = t3lib_div::revExplode('_', $value, 2);
$valueParts[1] = $this->substNEWwithIDs[$valueParts[1]];
$valueArray[$key] = implode('_', $valueParts);
} else {
$valueArray[$key] = $this->substNEWwithIDs[$value];
// Set a hint that this was a new child record:
$this->newRelatedIDs[$table][] = $valueArray[$key];