


Feature #17299 » 0005613_v8.patch

Administrator Admin, 2007-07-25 16:30

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_befunc.php (Arbeitskopie)
require_once (PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_loaddbgroup.php');
require_once (PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_matchcondition.php');
// Parsing the user TS (or getting from cache)
$userTS = implode($TSdataArray,chr(10).'[GLOBAL]'.chr(10));
$hash = md5('pageTS:'.$userTS);
$hash = md5('pageTS:'.$id.':'.$userTS);
$cachedContent = t3lib_BEfunc::getHash($hash,0);
$TSconfig = array();
if (isset($cachedContent)) {
$TSconfig = unserialize($cachedContent);
} else {
$matchObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_matchCondition');
$matchObj->backendPage = $id;
$parseObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TSparser');
$parseObj->parse($userTS, $matchObj);
$TSconfig = $parseObj->setup;
// Don't store to cache if conditions were found:
// @TODO: Optimize this part and adjust e.g. to FE disposal
if (!count($parseObj->sections)) {
// @TODO: Set 'PAGES_TSconfig_<uid>' for later removal of old data/cleanup
// get User TSconfig overlay
t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php (Arbeitskopie)
var $altRootLine=array();
var $hookObjectsArr = array();
var $backendMode = false;
var $backendPage = null;
* Constructor for this class
function __construct() {
global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
// Enable the hybrid mode if used in TYPO3 backend:
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && TYPO3_MODE=='BE') {
$this->backendMode = true;
// Usage (ext_localconf.php):
// $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']['matchConditionClass'][] =
// 'EXT:my_ext/class.browserinfo.php:MyBrowserInfoClass';
case 'usergroup':
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list!='0,-1') { // '0,-1' is the default usergroups when not logged in!
$groupList = $this->getGroupList();
if ($groupList!='0,-1') { // '0,-1' is the default usergroups when not logged in!
$values = explode(',',$value);
while(list(,$test)=each($values)) {
$test = trim($test);
if (strlen($test)) {
if ($test=='*' || t3lib_div::inList($GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list,$test)) {return true;}
if ($test=='*' || t3lib_div::inList($groupList,$test)) {return true;}
case 'loginUser':
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) {
if ($this->isUserLoggedIn()) {
$values = explode(',',$value);
while(list(,$test)=each($values)) {
$test = trim($test);
if (strlen($test)) {
if ($test=='*' || !strcmp($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'],$test)) {return true;}
if ($test=='*' || !strcmp($this->getUserId(),$test)) {return true;}
case 'treeLevel':
$values = explode(',',$value);
$theRootLine = is_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine) ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine : $this->altRootLine;
$rootLine = $this->getRootline();
$theRootLine = is_array($rootLine) ? $rootLine : $this->altRootLine;
$theRLC = count($theRootLine)-1;
while(list(,$test)=each($values)) {
$test = trim($test);
case 'PIDupinRootline':
case 'PIDinRootline':
$values = explode(',',$value);
if (($key=='PIDinRootline') || (!in_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id,$values))) {
$theRootLine = is_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine) ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine : $this->altRootLine;
$pageId = $this->getPageId();
$rootLine = $this->getRootline();
if (($key=='PIDinRootline') || !in_array($pageId, $values) || $this->isNewPageWithPid($pageId)) {
$theRootLine = is_array($rootLine) ? $rootLine : $this->altRootLine;
while(list(,$test)=each($values)) {
$test = trim($test);
case 'userFunc':
$values = split('\(|\)',$value);
$funcValue = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$values[1]);
$pre = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['userFuncClassPrefix'];
$funcName = trim($values[0]);
$funcValues = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$values[1]);
$pre = $this->getUserFuncClassPrefix();
if ($pre &&
!t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($funcName),$pre) &&
) {
if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Match condition: Function "'.$funcName.'" was not prepended with "'.$pre.'"',3);
$this->setLogMessage('Match condition: Function "'.$funcName.'" was not prepended with "'.$pre.'"');
return false;
if (function_exists($funcName) && call_user_func($funcName, $funcValue[0])) {
if (function_exists($funcName) && call_user_func_array($funcName, $funcValues)) {
return true;
return $val;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Get the usergroup list of the current user.
* @return string The usergroup list of the current user
function getGroupList() {
if (!$this->backendMode) {
$groupList = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list;
} else {
$groupList = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupList;
return $groupList;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Get the id of the current page.
* @return integer The id of the current page
function getPageId() {
if (!$this->backendMode) {
$pageId = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
} else {
if ($this->backendPage != null) {
$pageId = $this->backendPage;
} else {
$pageId = intval(t3lib_div::_GP('id'));
return $pageId;
* Determine if record of table 'pages' with the given $pid is currently created in TCEforms.
* This information is required for conditions in BE an PIDupinRootline.
* @param integer $pid: The pid the check for as parent page
* @return boolean true if the is currently a new page record being edited with $pid as uid of the parent page
function isNewPageWithPid($pid) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['SOBE']) && is_object($GLOBALS['SOBE']) && is_a($GLOBALS['SOBE'], 'SC_alt_doc')) {
$pid = intval($pid);
$elementsData = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->elementsData;
$data = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->data;
// If editing a new page record:
if (is_array($elementsData)) {
foreach ($elementsData as $element) {
if ($element['cmd'] == 'new' && $element['table'] == 'pages') {
if ($element['pid'] < 0) {
$pageRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('pages', abs($element['pid']), 'pid');
$element['pid'] = $pageRecord['pid'];
if ($element['pid'] == $pid) {
return true;
// If saving a new page record:
} elseif (is_array($data) && isset($data['pages']) && is_array($data['pages'])) {
foreach ($data['pages'] as $uid => $fields) {
if (substr($uid, 0, 3) == 'NEW' && $fields['pid'] == $pid) {
return true;
return false;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Get the rootline for the current page.
* @return array The rootline for the current page.
function getRootline() {
if (!$this->backendMode) {
$rootline = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine;
} else {
$pageId = $this->getPageId();
$rootline = t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($pageId, '', true);
return $rootline;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Get prefix for user functions (normally 'user_').
* @return string The prefix for user functions (normally 'user_').
function getUserFuncClassPrefix() {
if (!$this->backendMode) {
$userFuncClassPrefix = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['userFuncClassPrefix'];
} else {
$userFuncClassPrefix = 'user_';
return $userFuncClassPrefix;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Get the id of the current user.
* @return integer The id of the current user
function getUserId() {
if (!$this->backendMode) {
$userId = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'];
} else {
$userId = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'];
return $userId;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Determines if a user is logged in.
* @return boolean Determines if a user is logged in
function isUserLoggedIn() {
$userLoggedIn = false;
if (!$this->backendMode) {
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) {
$userLoggedIn = true;
} else {
if ($this->getUserId()) {
$userLoggedIn = true;
return $userLoggedIn;
* Hybrid FE/BE: Set/write a log message.
* @param string $message: The log message to set/write
* @return void
function setLogMessage($message) {
if (!$this->backendMode) {
if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) {
} else {
if (is_object($GLOBALS['BE_USER'])) {
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->writelog(3, 0, 1, 0, $message, array());