


Bug #17343 ยป 5714.diff

Administrator Admin, 2008-09-18 01:01

View differences:

typo3/sysext/indexed_search/pi/class.tx_indexedsearch.php (working copy)
$c++; // Increase the result pointer
// All rows for display is put into resultRows[]
if ($c > $pointer * $this->piVars['results']) {
if ($c > $pointer * $this->piVars['results'] && $c <= $pointer * $this->piVars['results'] + $this->piVars['results']) {
$row['result_number'] = $c;
$resultRows[] = $row;
// This may lead to a problem: If the result check is not stopped here, the search will take longer. However the result counter will not filter out grouped cHashes/pHashes that were not processed yet. You can change this behavior using the "search.exactCount" property (see above).