


Feature #17688 ยป bug_6532.diff

Administrator Admin, 2007-10-16 14:32

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_befunc.php (Arbeitskopie)
$warnings[] = 'The encryption key is not set! Set it in <a href="'.$url.'">$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[SYS][encryptionKey]</a>';
// Check if there are still updates to perform
// Check if the compatibility version is out of date
if (!t3lib_div::compat_version(TYPO3_branch)) {
$url = 'install/index.php?redirect_url=index.php'.urlencode('?TYPO3_INSTALL[type]=update');
$warnings[] = 'This installation is not configured for the TYPO3 version it is running. You probably did so by intention, in this case you can safely ignore this message. If unsure, visit the <a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">Update Wizard</a> in the Install Tool to see which changes would be affected.';
$warnings[] = 'The Reference Index table is empty which is likely to be the case because you just upgraded your TYPO3 source. Please go to Tools>DB Check and update the reference index.';
// Warn if extensions.xml.gz needs to be updated
if (is_file(PATH_site.'typo3temp/extensions.xml.gz')) {
$mtime = filemtime(PATH_site.'typo3temp/extensions.xml.gz');
$limit = time()-(3600*24*30); // 1 month
if ($mtime<$limit) {
$message = 'Your extension cache is out of date.';
} else {
$message = 'Your extension cache is empty.';
if (strlen($message)) { // Add a hint on how to retrieve/update this file
$url = 'mod/tools/em/index.php?CMD=&SET[function]=2';
$JScode = 'jump(unescape(\''.rawurlencode($url).'\'),\'tools_em\',\'tools\');';
$message.= ' Cannot check if any of your extensions is known to be insecure.
Please <a href="#" onClick="'.$JScode.'">click here</a> and hit the "Retrieve/Update" button to trigger the download.';
$warnings[] = $message;
// TODO: now that the extension cache is up to date, we need to verify if there are any extensions which are known to contain security issues.
if (count($warnings)) {
$style = ' style="margin-bottom:10px;"';
$content = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="warningbox"><tr><td>'.
$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->icons(3).'Important notice!<br /><ul><li'.$style.'>'.
implode('</li><li'.$style.'>', $warnings).'</li></ul>'.
'It is highly recommended that you change this immediately.'.
'It is highly recommended that you fix these problems immediately.'.
typo3/ (Arbeitskopie)
$addJS = '';
if ($moduleInfo['navFrameScript']) {$addJS="+'&id='+top.rawurlencode(top.fsMod.recentIds['".$moduleName."'])";}
// If there is a script to link to (and linking is not disabled.
if ($link && !$dontLink) {
// If there is a script to link to (and linking is not disabled)
if ($link && !$dontLink) {
// For condensed mode, send &cMR parameter to frameset script.
if ($addJS && $BE_USER->uc['condensedMode']) {$addJS.= "+(cMR?'&cMR=1':'')";}
typo3/alt_intro.php (Arbeitskopie)
$TBE_TEMPLATE->docType = 'xhtml_trans';
$TBE_TEMPLATE->divClass = $TBE_TEMPLATE->bodyTagId;
$TBE_TEMPLATE->JScode.= $TBE_TEMPLATE->wrapScriptTags('
// This jump function can be used by the adminWarnings feature
function jump(url,modName,mainModName) {
if (top.content && top.content.nav_frame && top.content.nav_frame.refresh_nav) {
top.nextLoadModuleUrl = url;
$this->content.= $TBE_TEMPLATE->startPage('About modules');
$this->content .= '