


Bug #17772 » class.t3lib_tcemain.php.diff

Administrator Admin, 2007-11-20 22:16

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php (working copy)
// If element is added dynamically in the flexform of TCEforms, we map the ID-string to the next numerical index we can have in that particular section of elements:
// The fact that the order changes is not important since order is controlled by a separately submitted index.
if (substr($ik,0,3)=="ID-") {
$this->newIndexMap[$ik] = (is_array($dataValues_current[$key]['el'])&&count($dataValues_current[$key]['el'])?max(array_keys($dataValues_current[$key]['el'])):0)+$newIndexCounter; // Set mapping index
$dataValues[$key]['el'][$this->newIndexMap[$ik]] = $dataValues[$key]['el'][$ik]; // Transfer values
unset($dataValues[$key]['el'][$ik]); // Unset original
// If element is added dynamically in the flexform of TCEforms, we map the ID-string to the next numerical index we can have in that particular section of elements:
// The fact that the order changes is not important since order is controlled by a separately submitted index.
if (substr($ik,0,3)=="ID-") {
$this->newIndexMap[$ik] = (is_array($dataValues_current[$key]['el'])&&count($dataValues_current[$key]['el'])?max(array_keys($dataValues_current[$key]['el'])):0)+$newIndexCounter; // Set mapping index
$dataValues[$key]['el'][$this->newIndexMap[$ik]] = $dataValues[$key]['el'][$ik]; // Transfer values
unset($dataValues[$key]['el'][$ik]); // Unset original
} else {
if (!isset($dataValues[$key]['el'])) $dataValues[$key]['el']=array();