


Bug #17791 » rtehtmlarea_bugfix_6714.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-02-29 04:19

View differences:

typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php (working copy)
'opera' => array (
1 => array (
'version' => 9
'version' => 9.5
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/ext_conf_template.txt (working copy)
# cat=basic/enable/150; type=boolean; label=Enable Mozilla/Firefox extension: If set, enables the triggering of installation of a Mozilla/Firefox extension to allow the RTE to access the clipboard.
enableMozillaExtension = 0
# cat=basic/enable/160; type=boolean; label=Enable the RTE in Opera 9: If set, the RTE will be enabled when the browser is Opera 9.
# cat=basic/enable/160; type=boolean; label=Enable the RTE in Opera 9.5+: If set, the RTE will be enabled when the browser is Opera 9.5+. This feature is still experimental!
enableInOpera9 = 0
# cat=basic/enable/170; type=boolean; label=Force Aspell command mode: If set, the spellchecker will use the Aspell command interface. Presumably. PHP is compiled with pspell, but with an old version of Aspell. If set, PHP safe mode should NOT be enabled.