


Bug #17905 » 0006924_v4_v2.patch

Administrator Admin, 2007-12-12 17:57

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php (Arbeitskopie)
$fI['dirname'].= '/';
// Check parts:
if (t3lib_div::validPathStr($filepath) && $fI['basename'] && strlen($fI['basename'])<60) {
if (t3lib_div::validPathStr($filepath) && $fI['basename']) {
if (defined('PATH_site')) {
$dirName = PATH_site.'typo3temp/'; // Setting main temporary directory name (standard)
if (@is_dir($dirName)) {
$origCharset = $csConvObj->parse_charset($csConvObj->charSetArray[$langKey] ? $csConvObj->charSetArray[$langKey] : 'iso-8859-1');
// Cache file name:
$hashSource = substr($fileRef,strlen(PATH_site)).'|'.date('d-m-Y H:i:s',filemtime($fileRef)).'|version=2.2';
$hashSource = substr($fileRef,strlen(PATH_site)).'|'.date('d-m-Y H:i:s',filemtime($fileRef)).'|version=2.3';
$cacheFileName = PATH_site.'typo3temp/llxml/'.
// Check if cache file exists...
if (!@is_file($cacheFileName)) { // ... if it doesn't, create content and write it:
// If no entry is found for the language key, then force a value depending on meta-data setting. By default an automated filename will be used:
$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = t3lib_div::llXmlAutoFileName($fileRef, $langKey);
if (!$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] && isset($xmlContent['data'][$langKey])) {
$l10nFileExists = @is_file(t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($LOCAL_LANG[$langKey]));
if (!$l10nFileExists && isset($xmlContent['data'][$langKey])) {
$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = $xmlContent['data'][$langKey];
// Cache the content now:
$serContent = array('origFile'=>$hashSource, 'LOCAL_LANG'=>$LOCAL_LANG);
$serContent = array(
'origFile' => $hashSource,
'l10nFileExists' => $l10nFileExists
$res = t3lib_div::writeFileToTypo3tempDir($cacheFileName, serialize($serContent));
if ($res) die('ERROR: '.$res);
if ($res) {
die('ERROR: '.$res);
$loadedFromCache = false;
} else {
// Get content from cache:
$serContent = unserialize(t3lib_div::getUrl($cacheFileName));
$LOCAL_LANG = $serContent['LOCAL_LANG'];
$l10nFileExisted = (isset($serContent['l10nFileExists']) && $serContent['l10nFileExists']);
$loadedFromCache = true;
// Checking for EXTERNAL file for non-default language:
$hashSource = substr($localized_file,strlen(PATH_site)).'|'.date('d-m-Y H:i:s',filemtime($localized_file));
$cacheFileName = PATH_site.'typo3temp/llxml/ext_'.
// Check if cache file exists...
if (!@is_file($cacheFileName)) { // ... if it doesn't, create content and write it:
$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = $serContent['EXT_DATA'];
} else {
$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = array();
// If file in typo3conf/l10n once existed and now doesn't anymore - rewrite cached file:
if ($loadedFromCache && $l10nFileExisted) {
$LOCAL_LANG = t3lib_div::readLLXMLfile($fileRef, $langKey);
// Otherwise, not localization for $langKey was found - set to an empty array:
} else {
$LOCAL_LANG[$langKey] = array();