


Bug #18126 » bug_7397_v4.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-07-23 12:45

View differences:

t3lib/config_default.php (working copy)
'binPath' => '', // String: List of absolute paths where external programs should be searched for. Eg. '/usr/local/webbin/,/home/xyz/bin/'. (ImageMagick path have to be configured separately)
'binSetup' => '', // String (textarea): List of programs (separated by newline or comma). By default programs will be searched in default paths and the special paths defined by 'binPath'. When PHP has openbasedir enabled the programs can not be found and have to be configured here. Example: 'perl=/usr/bin/perl,unzip=/usr/local/bin/unzip'
't3lib_cs_convMethod' => '', // String (values: "iconv", "recode", "mbstring", default is homemade PHP-code). Defines which of these PHP-features to use for various Charset conversing functions in t3lib_cs. Will speed up charset conversion radically.
't3lib_cs_utils' => '', // String (values: "iconv" - PHP 5.0 only!, "mbstring", default is homemade PHP-code). Defines which of these PHP-features to use for various Charset processing functions in t3lib_cs. Will speed up charset functions radically.
't3lib_cs_utils' => '', // String (values: "iconv", "mbstring", default is homemade PHP-code). Defines which of these PHP-features to use for various character set processing functions in t3lib_cs. Will speed up charset functions radically.
'no_pconnect' => 0, // Boolean: If true, "connect" is used instead of "pconnect" when connecting to the database!
'multiplyDBfieldSize' => 1, // Double: 1-5: Amount used to multiply the DB field size when the install tool is evaluating the database size (eg. "2.5"). This is only useful e.g. if your database is iso-8859-1 encoded but you want to use utf-8 for your site. For Western European sites using utf-8 the need should not be for more than twice the normal single-byte size (2) and for Chinese / Asian languages 3 should suffice. NOTICE: It is recommended to change the native database charset instead! (see for more information)
'setDBinit' => '', // String (textarea): Commands to send to database right after connecting, separated by newline. Ignored by the DBAL extension except for the 'native' type!
'maxFileNameLength' => 60, // Integer, This is the maximum file name length. The value will be taken into account by basic file operations like renaming or creation of files and folders.
'UTF8filesystem' => 0, // Boolean: If true and [BE][forceCharset] is set to utf-8, then TYPO3 uses utf-8 to store file names. This allows for accented Latin letters as well as any other non-latin characters like Cyrillic and Chinese.
'lockingMode' => 'simple', // String: Define which locking mode is used to control requests to pages being generated. Can be one of either "disable" (no locking), "simple" (checks for file existance), "flock" (using PHPs flock() function), "semaphore" (using PHPs sem_acquire() function). Default is "disable".
'reverseProxyIP' => '', // String: list of IP addresses. If TYPO3 is behind one or more (intransparent) reverese proxies the IP addresses must be added here.
'reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue' => 'none', // String, "none","first","last": defines which values of a proxy header (eg HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR) to use, if more than one is found. "none" discards the value, "first" and "last" use the first/last of the values in the list.
'reverseProxyPrefix' => '', // String: optional prefix to be added to the internal URL (SCRIPT_NAME and REQUEST_URI).
'reverseProxySSL' => '', // String: '*' or list of IP addresses of proxies that use SSL (https) for the connection to the client, but an unencrypted connection (http) to the server. If '*' all proxies defined in SYS[reverseProxyIP] use SSL.
'reverseProxyPrefixSSL' => '', // String: prefix to be added to the internal URL (SCRIPT_NAME and REQUEST_URI) when accessing the server via an SSL proxy. This setting overrides SYS[reverseProxyPrefix].
'EXT' => Array ( // Options related to the Extension Management
'noEdit' => 1, // Boolean: If set, the Extension Manager does NOT allow extension files to be edited! (Otherwise both local and global extensions can be edited.)
t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php (working copy)
* Usage: 10
* @param string $baseIP is the current remote IP address for instance, typ. REMOTE_ADDR
* @param string $list is a comma-list of IP-addresses to match with. *-wildcard allowed instead of number, plus leaving out parts in the IP number is accepted as wildcard (eg. 192.168.*.* equals 192.168). If list is "*" no check is done and the function returns TRUE immediately.
* @param string $list is a comma-list of IP-addresses to match with. *-wildcard allowed instead of number, plus leaving out parts in the IP number is accepted as wildcard (eg. 192.168.*.* equals 192.168). If list is "*" no check is done and the function returns TRUE immediately. An empty list always returns FALSE.
* @return boolean True if an IP-mask from $list matches $baseIP
public static function cmpIP($baseIP, $list) {
if ($list==='*') return TRUE;
$list = trim($list);
if ($list === '') {
return false;
} elseif ($list === '*') {
return true;
if (strpos($baseIP, ':') !== false && t3lib_div::validIPv6($baseIP)) {
return t3lib_div::cmpIPv6($baseIP, $list);
} else {
* Validate a given IP address.
* Possible format are IPv4 and IPv6.
* @param string IP address to be tested
* @return boolean True if $ip is either of IPv4 or IPv6 format.
public static function validIP($ip) {
if (strpos($ip, ':') === false) {
return t3lib_div::validIPv4($ip);
} else {
return t3lib_div::validIPv6($ip);
* Validate a given IP address to the IPv4 address format.
* Example for possible format:
* @param string IP address to be tested
* @return boolean True if $ip is of IPv4 format.
public static function validIPv4($ip) {
$parts = explode('.', $ip);
if (count($parts)==4 &&
t3lib_div::testInt($parts[0]) && $parts[0]>=1 && $parts[0]<256 &&
t3lib_div::testInt($parts[1]) && $parts[0]>=0 && $parts[0]<256 &&
t3lib_div::testInt($parts[2]) && $parts[0]>=0 && $parts[0]<256 &&
t3lib_div::testInt($parts[3]) && $parts[0]>=0 && $parts[0]<256) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Validate a given IP address to the IPv6 address format.
* Example for possible format: 43FB::BB3F:A0A0:0 | ::1
* @return boolean true if $item is in $list
public static function inList($list, $item) {
return (strpos(','.$list.',', ','.$item.',')!==false ? true : false);
return (strpos('>,'.$list.',', ','.$item.',') ? true : false);
* @return string Processed input value. See function description.
public static function dirname($path) {
$p = t3lib_div::revExplode('/',$path,2);
return count($p)==2 ? $p[0] : '';
return count($p)==2?$p[0]:'';
* Converts string to uppercase
* The function converts all Latin characters (a-z, but no accents, etc) to
* uppercase. It is safe for all supported character sets (incl. utf-8).
* Unlike strtoupper() it does not honour the locale.
* The function converts all Latin characters (a-z, but no accents, etc) to
* uppercase. It is safe for all supported character sets (incl. utf-8).
* Unlike strtoupper() it does not honour the locale.
* @param string Input string
* @param string Input string
* @return string Uppercase String
public static function strtoupper($str) {
* Converts string to lowercase
* The function converts all Latin characters (A-Z, but no accents, etc) to
* lowercase. It is safe for all supported character sets (incl. utf-8).
* Unlike strtolower() it does not honour the locale.
* The function converts all Latin characters (A-Z, but no accents, etc) to
* lowercase. It is safe for all supported character sets (incl. utf-8).
* Unlike strtolower() it does not honour the locale.
* @param string Input string
* @param string Input string
* @return string Lowercase String
public static function strtolower($str) {
Special extras:
TYPO3_HOST_ONLY = [host] =
TYPO3_PORT = [port] = 8080 (blank if 80, taken from host value)
TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST = [scheme]://[host][:[port]]
TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST = [scheme]://[host][:[port]]
TYPO3_REQUEST_URL = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path]?[query] (scheme will by default be "http" until we can detect something different)
TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_script]
TYPO3_REQUEST_SCRIPT = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_script]
TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_dir]
TYPO3_SITE_URL = [scheme]://[host][:[port]][path_dir] of the TYPO3 website frontend
TYPO3_SITE_SCRIPT = [script / Speaking URL] of the TYPO3 website
TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT = Absolute path of root of documents: TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT.SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_FILENAME (typically)
TYPO3_SSL = Returns TRUE if this session uses SSL (HTTPS)
TYPO3_SITE_SCRIPT = [script / Speaking URL] of the TYPO3 website
TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT = Absolute path of root of documents: TYPO3_DOCUMENT_ROOT.SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_FILENAME (typically)
TYPO3_SSL = Returns TRUE if this session uses SSL/TLS (https)
TYPO3_PROXY = Returns TRUE if this session runs over a well known proxy
Notice: [fragment] is apparently NEVER available to the script!
switch ((string)$getEnvName) {
// add a prefix if TYPO3 is behind a proxy: =>
if (t3lib_div::cmpIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP'])) {
if (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SSL') && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefixSSL']) {
$retVal = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefixSSL'].$retVal;
} elseif ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefix']) {
$retVal = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefix'].$retVal;
$retVal = str_replace('//','/', str_replace('\\','/', (php_sapi_name()=='cgi'||php_sapi_name()=='isapi' ||php_sapi_name()=='cgi-fcgi')&&($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']:$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])? ($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED']:$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']):($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_FILENAME']?$_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_FILENAME']:$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
} elseif (!$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { // This is for ISS/CGI which does not have the REQUEST_URI available.
$retVal = '/'.ereg_replace('^/','',t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')).
} else $retVal = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
} else {
$retVal = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// add a prefix if TYPO3 is behind a proxy: =>
if (t3lib_div::cmpIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP'])) {
if (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SSL') && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefixSSL']) {
$retVal = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefixSSL'].$retVal;
} elseif ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefix']) {
$retVal = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyPrefix'].$retVal;
case 'PATH_INFO':
// $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']!=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] is necessary because some servers (Windows/CGI) are seen to set PATH_INFO equal to script_name
// Further, there must be at least one '/' in the path - else the PATH_INFO value does not make sense.
// IF 'PATH_INFO' never works for our purpose in TYPO3 with CGI-servers, then 'php_sapi_name()=='cgi'' might be a better check. Right now strcmp($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) will always return false for CGI-versions, but that is only as long as SCRIPT_NAME is set equal to PATH_INFO because of php_sapi_name()=='cgi' (see above)
// if (strcmp($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) && count(explode('/',$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']))>1) {
if (php_sapi_name()!='cgi'&&php_sapi_name()!='cgi-fcgi') {
if (php_sapi_name()!='cgi' && php_sapi_name()!='cgi-fcgi') {
$retVal = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$retVal = t3lib_div::cmpIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP']);
$retVal = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (t3lib_div::cmpIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP'])) {
$ip = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
// choose which IP in list to use
if (count($ip)) {
switch ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue']) {
case 'last':
$ip = array_pop($ip);
case 'first':
$ip = array_unshift($ip);
case 'none':
$ip = '';
if (t3lib_div::validIP($ip)) {
$retVal = $ip;
case 'HTTP_HOST':
$retVal = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if (t3lib_div::cmpIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP'])) {
$host = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']);
// choose which host in list to use
if (count($host)) {
switch ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue']) {
case 'last':
$host = array_pop($host);
case 'first':
$host = array_unshift($host);
case 'none':
$host = '';
if ($host) {
$retVal = $host;
// These are let through without modification
case 'HTTP_HOST':
$retVal = $_SERVER[$getEnvName];
$retVal = $DR;
$p = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$p = explode(':',t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_HOST'));
$retVal = $p[0];
case 'TYPO3_PORT':
$p = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$p = explode(':',t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_HOST'));
$retVal = $p[1];
$retVal = (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SSL') ? 'https://' : 'http://').
$retVal = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST').t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI');
$retVal = substr(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL'),strlen(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL')));
case 'TYPO3_SSL':
$retVal = $_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID'] || !strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'on') || !strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'1') ? TRUE : FALSE; // see
$proxySSL = trim($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxySSL']);
if ($proxySSL == '*') {
$proxySSL = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['reverseProxyIP'];
if (t3lib_div::cmpIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $proxySSL)) {
$retVal = true;
} else {
$retVal = $_SERVER['SSL_SESSION_ID'] || !strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'on') || !strcmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'],'1') ? true : false; // see
case '_ARRAY':
$out = array();