


Bug #18634 ยป 0008148.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-04-18 14:52

View differences:

t3lib/jsfunc.inline.js (Arbeitskopie)
updateExpandedCollapsedStateLocally: function(objectId, value) {
var ucName = 'uc'+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 2);
var ucName = 'uc[inlineView]'+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 2);
var ucFormObj = document.getElementsByName(ucName);
if (ucFormObj.length) ucFormObj[0].value = value;
if (ucFormObj.length) {
ucFormObj[0].value = value;
createNewRecord: function(objectId, recordUid) {
t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php (Arbeitskopie)
* Update expanded/collapsed states on new inline records if any.
* @param array $uc: The uc array to be processed and saved (by reference)
* @param object $tce: Instance of TCEmain that saved data before (by reference)
* @param t3lib_TCEmain $tce: Instance of TCEmain that saved data before (by reference)
* @return void
function updateInlineView(&$uc, &$tce) {
foreach ($topRecords as $topUid => $childElements) {
foreach ($childElements as $childTable => $childRecords) {
$uids = array_keys($tce->substNEWwithIDs_table, $childTable);
$inlineViewCurrent =& $inlineView[$topTable][$topUid][$childTable];
if (count($uids)) {
$newExpandedChildren = array();
foreach ($childRecords as $childUid => $state) {
if ($state && in_array($childUid, $uids)) {
$newChildUid = $tce->substNEWwithIDs[$childUid];
$inlineViewCurrent[] = $newChildUid;
$newExpandedChildren[] = $newChildUid;
$inlineViewCurrent = array_unique($inlineViewCurrent);
// Add new expanded child records to UC (if any):
if (count($newExpandedChildren)) {
$inlineViewCurrent =& $inlineView[$topTable][$topUid][$childTable];
if (is_array($inlineViewCurrent)) {
$inlineViewCurrent = array_unique(array_merge($inlineViewCurrent, $newExpandedChildren));
} else {
$inlineViewCurrent = $newExpandedChildren;