


Bug #18663 ยป 8192_typolink_generates_wrong_links.diff

Administrator Admin, 2008-04-22 09:51

View differences:

typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_content.php (working copy)
$fileChar=intval(strpos($link_param, '/'));
$urlChar=intval(strpos($link_param, '.'));
// Firsts, test if $link_param is numeric and page with such id exists. If yes, do not attempt to link to file
if (!t3lib_div::testInt($link_param) || count($GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getPage_noCheck($link_param)) == 0) {
// Detects if a file is found in site-root (or is a 'virtual' simulateStaticDocument file!) and if so it will be treated like a normal file.
list($rootFileDat) = explode('?',rawurldecode($link_param));
$containsSlash = strstr($rootFileDat,'/');
$rFD_fI = pathinfo($rootFileDat);
if (trim($rootFileDat) && !$containsSlash && (@is_file(PATH_site.$rootFileDat) || t3lib_div::inList('php,html,htm',strtolower($rFD_fI['extension'])))) {
$isLocalFile = 1;
} elseif ($containsSlash) {
$isLocalFile = 2; // Adding this so realurl directories are linked right (non-existing).
list($rootFileDat) = explode('?',rawurldecode($link_param));
$containsSlash = strstr($rootFileDat,'/');
$rFD_fI = pathinfo($rootFileDat);
if (trim($rootFileDat) && !$containsSlash && (@is_file(PATH_site.$rootFileDat) || t3lib_div::inList('php,html,htm',strtolower($rFD_fI['extension'])))) {
$isLocalFile = 1;
} elseif ($containsSlash) {
$isLocalFile = 2; // Adding this so realurl directories are linked right (non-existing).
if($pU['scheme'] || ($isLocalFile!=1 && $urlChar && (!$containsSlash || $urlChar<$fileChar))) { // url (external): If doubleSlash or if a '.' comes before a '/'.