


Bug #19014 » 0008817-copyL10nOverlays_v2.patch

Administrator Admin, 2009-10-20 22:10

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php (Arbeitskopie)
// Now, the $uid is the actual record we will copy while $origUid is the record we asked to get copied - but that could be a live version.
if ($this->doesRecordExist($table,$uid,'show')) { // This checks if the record can be selected which is all that a copy action requires.
$data = Array();
if ($this->BE_USER->recordEditAccessInternals($table,$uid, false, false, true)) { //Used to check language and general editing rights
$data = Array();
$nonFields = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',','uid,perms_userid,perms_groupid,perms_user,perms_group,perms_everybody,t3ver_oid,t3ver_wsid,t3ver_id,t3ver_label,t3ver_state,t3ver_swapmode,t3ver_count,t3ver_stage,t3ver_tstamp,'.$excludeFields,1));
$nonFields = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',','uid,perms_userid,perms_groupid,perms_user,perms_group,perms_everybody,t3ver_oid,t3ver_wsid,t3ver_id,t3ver_label,t3ver_state,t3ver_swapmode,t3ver_count,t3ver_stage,t3ver_tstamp,'.$excludeFields,1));
// $row = $this->recordInfo($table,$uid,'*');
$row = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL($table,$uid); // So it copies (and localized) content from workspace...
if (is_array($row)) {
// $row = $this->recordInfo($table,$uid,'*');
$row = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL($table,$uid); // So it copies (and localized) content from workspace...
if (is_array($row)) {
// Initializing:
$theNewID = uniqid('NEW');
$enableField = isset($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']) ? $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'] : '';
$headerField = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'];
// Initializing:
$theNewID = uniqid('NEW');
$enableField = isset($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']) ? $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'] : '';
$headerField = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'];
// Getting default data:
$defaultData = $this->newFieldArray($table);
// Getting default data:
$defaultData = $this->newFieldArray($table);
// Getting "copy-after" fields if applicable:
$copyAfterFields = $destPid<0 ? $this->fixCopyAfterDuplFields($table,$uid,abs($destPid),0) : array();
// Getting "copy-after" fields if applicable:
$copyAfterFields = $destPid<0 ? $this->fixCopyAfterDuplFields($table,$uid,abs($destPid),0) : array();
// Page TSconfig related:
$tscPID = t3lib_BEfunc::getTSconfig_pidValue($table,$uid,$destPid); // NOT using t3lib_BEfunc::getTSCpid() because we need the real pid - not the ID of a page, if the input is a page...
$TSConfig = $this->getTCEMAIN_TSconfig($tscPID);
$tE = $this->getTableEntries($table,$TSConfig);
// Page TSconfig related:
$tscPID = t3lib_BEfunc::getTSconfig_pidValue($table,$uid,$destPid); // NOT using t3lib_BEfunc::getTSCpid() because we need the real pid - not the ID of a page, if the input is a page...
$TSConfig = $this->getTCEMAIN_TSconfig($tscPID);
$tE = $this->getTableEntries($table,$TSConfig);
// Traverse ALL fields of the selected record:
foreach($row as $field => $value) {
if (!in_array($field,$nonFields)) {
// Traverse ALL fields of the selected record:
foreach($row as $field => $value) {
if (!in_array($field,$nonFields)) {
// Get TCA configuration for the field:
$conf = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
// Get TCA configuration for the field:
$conf = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
// Preparation/Processing of the value:
if ($field=='pid') { // "pid" is hardcoded of course:
$value = $destPid;
} elseif (isset($overrideValues[$field])) { // Override value...
$value = $overrideValues[$field];
} elseif (isset($copyAfterFields[$field])) { // Copy-after value if available:
$value = $copyAfterFields[$field];
} elseif ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['setToDefaultOnCopy'] && t3lib_div::inList($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['setToDefaultOnCopy'],$field)) { // Revert to default for some fields:
$value = $defaultData[$field];
} else {
// Hide at copy may override:
if ($first && $field==$enableField && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['hideAtCopy'] && !$this->neverHideAtCopy && !$tE['disableHideAtCopy']) {
// Preparation/Processing of the value:
if ($field=='pid') { // "pid" is hardcoded of course:
$value = $destPid;
} elseif (isset($overrideValues[$field])) { // Override value...
$value = $overrideValues[$field];
} elseif (isset($copyAfterFields[$field])) { // Copy-after value if available:
$value = $copyAfterFields[$field];
} elseif ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['setToDefaultOnCopy'] && t3lib_div::inList($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['setToDefaultOnCopy'],$field)) { // Revert to default for some fields:
$value = $defaultData[$field];
} else {
// Hide at copy may override:
if ($first && $field == $enableField && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['hideAtCopy'] && !$this->neverHideAtCopy && !$tE['disableHideAtCopy']) {
$value = 1;
// Prepend label on copy:
if ($first && $field == $headerField && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['prependAtCopy'] && !$tE['disablePrependAtCopy']) {
$value = $this->getCopyHeader($table,$this->resolvePid($table,$destPid),$field,$this->clearPrefixFromValue($table,$value),0);
// Processing based on the TCA config field type (files, references, flexforms...)
$value = $this->copyRecord_procBasedOnFieldType($table, $uid, $field, $value, $row, $conf, $tscPID, $language);
// Prepend label on copy:
if ($first && $field==$headerField && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['prependAtCopy'] && !$tE['disablePrependAtCopy']) {
$value = $this->getCopyHeader($table,$this->resolvePid($table,$destPid),$field,$this->clearPrefixFromValue($table,$value),0);
// Processing based on the TCA config field type (files, references, flexforms...)
$value = $this->copyRecord_procBasedOnFieldType($table, $uid, $field, $value, $row, $conf, $tscPID, $language);
// Add value to array.
$data[$table][$theNewID][$field] = $value;
// Overriding values:
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['editlock']) {
$data[$table][$theNewID][$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['editlock']] = 0;
// Add value to array.
$data[$table][$theNewID][$field] = $value;
// Setting original UID:
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['origUid']) {
$data[$table][$theNewID][$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['origUid']] = $uid;
// Overriding values:
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['editlock']) {
$data[$table][$theNewID][$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['editlock']] = 0;
// Do the copy by simply submitting the array through TCEmain:
$copyTCE = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEmain');
/* @var $copyTCE t3lib_TCEmain */
$copyTCE->stripslashes_values = 0;
$copyTCE->copyTree = $this->copyTree;
$copyTCE->cachedTSconfig = $this->cachedTSconfig; // Copy forth the cached TSconfig
$copyTCE->dontProcessTransformations=1; // Transformations should NOT be carried out during copy
// Setting original UID:
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['origUid']) {
$data[$table][$theNewID][$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['origUid']] = $uid;
// Do the copy by simply submitting the array through TCEmain:
$copyTCE = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEmain');
/* @var $copyTCE t3lib_TCEmain */
$copyTCE->stripslashes_values = 0;
$copyTCE->copyTree = $this->copyTree;
$copyTCE->cachedTSconfig = $this->cachedTSconfig; // Copy forth the cached TSconfig
$copyTCE->dontProcessTransformations=1; // Transformations should NOT be carried out during copy
// Getting the new UID:
$theNewSQLID = $copyTCE->substNEWwithIDs[$theNewID];
if ($theNewSQLID) {
$this->copyRecord_fixRTEmagicImages($table, t3lib_BEfunc::wsMapId($table, $theNewSQLID));
$this->copyMappingArray[$table][$origUid] = $theNewSQLID;
// Copy back the cached TSconfig
$this->cachedTSconfig = $copyTCE->cachedTSconfig;
$this->errorLog = array_merge($this->errorLog, $copyTCE->errorLog);
// Getting the new UID:
$theNewSQLID = $copyTCE->substNEWwithIDs[$theNewID];
if ($theNewSQLID) {
$this->copyMappingArray[$table][$origUid] = $theNewSQLID;
if($language == 0) {
//repointing the new translation records to the parent record we just created
$overrideValues[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField']] = $theNewSQLID;
$this->copyL10nOverlayRecords($table, $uid, $destPid, $first, $overrideValues, $excludeFields);
// Copy back the cached TSconfig
$this->cachedTSconfig = $copyTCE->cachedTSconfig;
$this->errorLog = array_merge($this->errorLog,$copyTCE->errorLog);
return $theNewSQLID;
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to copy record that did not exist!');
return $theNewSQLID;
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to copy record that did not exist!');
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to copy record without having permissions to do so. ['.$this->BE_USER->errorMsg.'].');
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to copy record without permission');
* Find l10n-overlay records and perform the requested move action for these records.
* @param string $table: Record Table
* @param string $uid: Record UID
* @param string $destPid: Position to move to
* @return void
function copyL10nOverlayRecords($table, $uid, $destPid, $first=0, $overrideValues=array(), $excludeFields='') {
//there's no need to perform this for page-records
if ($table == 'pages') return;
$l10nRecords = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField($table, $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'], $uid);
if (is_array($l10nRecords)) {
foreach ($l10nRecords as $record) {
$this->copyRecord($table, $record['uid'], $destPid, $first, $overrideValues, $excludeFields, $record[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['languageField']]);