


Bug #19103 ยป rtehtmlarea_bugfix_8963.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-08-18 17:14

View differences:

typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/htmlarea.js (copie de travail)
var doc = this._doc;
var docWellFormed = true;
// check if the stylesheets have been loaded
// Check if the stylesheets have been loaded
if (this._stylesLoadedTimer) window.clearTimeout(this._stylesLoadedTimer);
var stylesAreLoaded = true;
var errorText = '';
return false;
HTMLArea._appendToLog("[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Stylesheets successfully loaded.");
if (!this.config.fullPage) {
// Check if the body of the document is available, and set body contents and attributes
if (!doc.body) {
HTMLArea._appendToLog("[HTMLArea::initIframe]: Document body not yet available");
this._stylesLoadedTimer = window.setTimeout("HTMLArea.stylesLoaded(" + this._editorNumber + ");", 100);
return false;
} else { = "0px";
doc.body.className = "htmlarea-content-body";
try {
docWellFormed = false;
// Set contents editable
if (docWellFormed) {
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko && !HTMLArea.is_safari && !HTMLArea.is_opera && !this._initEditMode()) {