Bug #18857
closedDatetime bug because of different local time
I'm working with the final version of TYPO3 4.2 and I have a field in one of my own extension with a datetime:
"datetime" => Array (
"exclude" => 1,
"label" => "LLL:EXT:my_lawyer_management/locallang_db.xml:tx_mylawyermanagement_newsletterissues.datetime",
"config" => Array (
"type" => "input",
"size" => "8",
"max" => "20",
"eval" => "date",
"checkbox" => "0",
When I save a date in my default language - the date is saved as timestamp in the database with the correct date and a time of midnight. When I translate this record the date should be get from the standard-language-record - it is taken, but with a time difference of 2 hours in the past, so the date of the translated record is now from one day before.
I'm working here in Berlin, Germany so with the summertime maybe there are these 2 hours difference...
The hint from Dmitry to set the "date.timezone" in the php.ini explicitly had no effects - the problem still exists.
(issue imported from #M8522)
Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 16 years ago
To reproduce:
Install the "user_datetest" extension attached to the bug report. This will just create a new table with all possible datetime fields avaliable to test and also make them localizable. Follow the steps:
0) make sure your server is not running on UTC, else the bug will not show up. Any "german server" should be ok (UTC+2 currently).
1) create a "Date Tests" record, tick every checkbox to get current date and times in all fields.
2) save the record.
3) copy the record (e.g. using the clipboard): Result without the patch are shifted datetimes.
4) localize the record to another language: Result without the patch are shifted datetimes in the localized record.
5) now apply the patch.
6) repeat steps 3) and 4), watch the results.
Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 16 years ago
Committed to TYPO3_4-2 (rev.3735) and trunk (rev.3736).