Feature #98435
open[Forms - BE Module interface] Add a field selector to the recipients items
When an editor is creating a form using the BE module 'forms', and is adding a finisher EmailToSender, he can click on the {+} button to use a value from one of its own form fields. This is for example available for the senderAddress parameter.
Editors are getting confused of the way of creating a finisher that would send a confirmation email to the sender, a "Your message has been sent, thanks" type mail.
For the moment, we added to our internal documentation to insert the email field value in another field, and then to copy the given string (ex: {email-1}) in the recipient mail address.
But this is only a workaround, it would be way more intuitive and user-friendly to add a {+} button next to both recipient's mail and name fields.
NB: our typo3 instance version is 10.4.31
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