


Feature #64047

Updated by Chris topher about 10 years ago

The current way to go when implementing mail delivery in an extbase extension seems to be Peeking at out ActionController, extbase could provide the same architecture for looking up and rendering mails. 

 I'm just throwing my idea in here with a bit of pseudo-code, as this may explain things better than when writing it out. IMHO this would help extension developers to concentrate on building their extension and spare a lot of time writing / copy-pasting code to handle mail deliveries. 

 *File structure* 
   - Classes 
     - Mailer 
       - MyMailer.php 
   - Resources 
     - Private 
       - Templates 
         - MyMailer 

 class MyMailer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mailer\ActionMailer { 
     public function welcomeUserMail($user) { 
         /** @var \TYPO3\Core\Mail\Message */ 
         $mail = $this->createMail(); 

           * ActionMailer base class sets layout and template automagically 
           * based on the current controller name and action name; This e.g. would be  
           *     $templateRootPath/@MailerClassName/@MailerMethodName.html 
           * The only thing you actually do in here is set / assign data, similiar to the controller. 

         $mail->setSubject('Successfully signed up!'); 
         $mail->assign('user', $user); // Exposed to the fluid standalone view 
         return $mail->send(); 

 public function confirmationAction() { 
     // ... creating $user ... 
     $mailer = makeInstance('MyMailer'); // or maybe instantiate it through DI's @inject? 
