Bug #65599
Updated by Chris topher over 9 years ago
Kind of difficult to explain: I have a TypoScript which gets me Images from tt_content from pages which are referrenced with "content_from_pid". That worked for years in Typo3 4.7. Then adapted to 6.2.x and it worked. Untill 6.2.10. came arround the corner. Now it produces a white PAGE with no ouput nor error at all. And I can't find any error in my Typoscript. It would be nice if someone could see a relation to the NEW 6.2.10 Typo3 Update. I post the TS in here, or should it be in a text file? <pre> 10 = CONTENT 10 { table = tt_content select { where = colPos = 2 pidInList.field = content_from_pid pidInList.override.field = uid pidInList.override.field.if { isFalse.field = content_from_pid } max = 1 orderBy = sorting selectFields = uid,image } renderObj = COA renderObj { 10 = TEXT 10.value = <div class="greyover" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; 20 = FILES 20 { references { table = tt_content uid.data = field:uid fieldName = image } renderObj = COA renderObj { 5 = LOAD_REGISTER 5.imageUID.data = file:current:originalUid // file:current:uid 10 = IMG_RESOURCE 10.stdWrap.wrap = background-image:url('|'); 10.stdWrap.required = 1 10.file = GIFBUILDER 10.file { XY = 320,89 #backColor = #84B816 10 = IMAGE 10.file { import.data = register:imageUID width = 160c height = 89 } 20 = EFFECT 20.value = gray | gamma = 2.0 30 < .10 30 { offset = 160,0 } } } } 30 = TEXT 30.value = "></div> } } </pre>