


Bug #80592

Updated by Thomas Hohn over 7 years ago

 In TYPO3\CMS\Scheduler\Scheduler the log method expect a $code to be a string. 
 but BackendUserAuthentication Expect its Fourth parameter to be Integer.  
 as BackendUserAuthentication cast the Paramete Explicitly the $code information is lost. 

      * This is a utility method that writes some message to the BE Log 
      * It could be expanded to write to some other log 
      * @param string $message The message to write to the log 
      * @param int $status Status (0 = message, 1 = error) 
      * @param mixed $code Key for the message 
     public function log($message, $status = 0, $code = 'scheduler') 
         // Log only if enabled 
         if (!empty($this->extConf['enableBELog'])) { 
             $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->writelog(4, 0, $status, $code, '[scheduler]: ' . $message, []); 
