Bug #81720
Updated by Matteo Bonaker over 7 years ago
First off it is important to know what protocol relative urls are.
A very brief description is provided by Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#prurl
In fact all well-known Browsers (except IE 6 and partially IE 7-9) handle PRURLs nicely when used as links. TYPO3 in most cases also does its job when it comes to PRURLs.
So now to the actual bug which I found because EXT:dd_googlesitemap does not work with PRURLs due to it.
* Install TYPO3 7.6.15 or 8.7.0 (those are the only ones that I tested)
* Get in a position to write PHP-Code (e.g. write an extension or modify the core)
* Let the url of your site be 'https://example.tld/'
* Now in your PHP-Code do @echo GeneralUtility::locationHeaderUrl('//example.tld/path/page.html')@
* Visit your site via 'https://example.tld/'
My expected result:
> @https://example.tld/path/page.html@
... because it is the absolute URL that would be generated by the browser for the given input.
Actual result:
> @http://example.tld//example.tld/path/page.html@
This is the code of the current function @locationHeaderUrl@:
$uI = parse_url($path);
// relative to HOST
if ($path[0] === '/') {
$path = self::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST') . $path;
} elseif (!$uI['scheme']) {
// No scheme either
$path = self::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR') . $path;
return $path;
Even technically the comment above the function contradicts the result. The comment is:
<pre> * Prefixes a URL used with 'header-location' with 'http://...' depending on whether it has it already.
* - If already having a scheme, nothing is prepended
* - If having REQUEST_URI slash '/', then prefixing 'http://[host]' (relative to host)
* - Otherwise prefixed with TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR (relative to current dir / TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR)
And because the double slash at the beginning of a PRURL is not a "REQUEST_URI slash '/'", the result technically would have to be
> @/html/typo3///example.tld/path/page.html@
... which is ridiculous. So the comment is wrong, too imho.