Bug #83832
Updated by John Miller almost 7 years ago
Environment ---------------------------------------- OS: Windows 8.1 PHP: 7.1.1 MySQL: 5.6.35 Typo3: 9.0 Server: Apache 2.4 Am unable to create table containing special characters in table names and field names using ext_tables.sql Example ---------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE tx_orange__Ȼ0000000000 ( uid INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, Ç0000000_00 TINYTEXT NOT NULL, Ç0000000_01 BLOB, Ç0000000_02 TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (uid) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; Additionaly, same problem occurs with ext_tables_static+tt.sql Error upon execution ---------------------------------------- #1476340371: [SQL Error] line 0, col 20: Error: Expected TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Parser\Lexer::T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, got 'Ȼ' in statement: CREATE TABLE tx_orange__Ȼ0000000000 tx_tt__Ȼ0000000000 ( uid INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, Ç0000000_00 TINYTEXT NOT NULL, Ç0000000_01 BLOB, Ç0000000_02 TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (uid) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=16; (More information) Unsuccessful attempts ---------------------------------------- I've set charset to UTF8 in LocalConfiguration under DB->Connection->Default. I have tried quoting the table names and fields and works but the problem persists when retrieving data from the database. Also persists when executing ext_tables_static+tt.sql setup as INSERT INTO tx_orange__Ȼ0000000000 VALUES with o without quotes. Problem ---------------------------------------- What can I do to cause TYPO3 to work with special characters accepted by MySQL?