Bug #86765
Updated by Thomas Alboth, undkonsorten about 6 years ago
h2. How to create the problem: 1. Check your settings for _[SYS][textfile_ext]_. Be sure "md" is not whitelisted/allowed. My Setup was <pre> [SYS][textfile_ext] => 'txt,ts,typoscript,html,htm,css,tmpl,js,sql,xml,csv,xlf,yaml,yml' </pre> 2. Go to module filelist 3. Click on + (New), 4. Create new textfile" with a disallowed file extension – im my case "_test.md_" *Now you should get an Error:* <pre> (1/1) #1436717278 InvalidArgumentException The given status code is not a valid HTTP status code. </pre> But the file "test.md" is still created. *Expected Behaviour:* Expected Behaviour: 1: No Error / Exception 2: Flash message: "Files with that extension are not editable. Allowed extensions are: txt,ts,typoscript,html,htm,css,tmpl,js,sql,xml,csv,xlf,yaml,yml"