


Bug #86930

Updated by Björn Steinbrink over 5 years ago

When using an ifAuthenticated ViewHelper, the contents of the view helper are missing the first time the template is rendered. If you reload the page while logging into the backend (maybe only with admin privileges), the view helper works the second time onwards. But if the reload happens as an ordinary frontend user, the content will while stay missing. 

 The base class @TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractConditionViewHelper@ of this view helper says to implement @render()@ in derived classes, and, for example, the @IfViewHelper@ does this. Adding a straightforward implementation of @render()@ seems to fix the problem, with @render()@ only being called on the first rendering, so it seems like @render()@ is used just once when the View Helper has not been compiled yet? I'm not really familiar with how view helper compilation works, so this is just guess work. 
