Bug #87410
Updated by Jan Siemon almost 6 years ago
When calling <pre>\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::thumbCode</pre> its 8th parameter, variable $tparams ("Optional: $tparams is additional attributes for the image tags"), does not do anything or to much depending on case: calling it with FAL reference or parameter $uploaddir.
# When calling with FAL reference the parameter does not do anything, since the variable is not used in the code (BackendUtility.php:1348-1411)
Line 1398<pre> $imgTag = '<img ' . GeneralUtility::implodeAttributes($attributes, true) . '/>';</pre>should make use of that variable.
# When using the $uploaddir parameter (BackendUtility.php:1413-1476) is used in generating the image tag, cf. line 1458:<pre>$image = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($imageUrl) . '" hspace="2" border="0" title="' . htmlspecialchars($fileObject->getName()) . '"' . $tparams . ' alt="" />';</pre>
Yet, the possible additional attributes "hspace" and "border", for example, are already present in that line.
=> The variable should be used in the first case.
=> Any string which is passed through the variable should be chcecked if it is a viable attribute of an @img@-tag before being added to the final result.