


Task #88202

Updated by Willi Wehmeier about 5 years ago

Like other paths which can already be accessed by the Environment class, the typo3temp path itself should be accessible in the same way. 
 Currently the path to the typo3temp folder is hardcoded in several places. 

 Use cases: 
 We have an edge case where we need to run 2 different TYPO3 instances on the same domain to realise a step-by-step relaunch of a big website based on url paths, to migrate single areas of the website from one system to another. To achieve this, we have to avoid overlapping resource urls. For the user_upload stuff this in not a big deal, we are using a different storage then the default "fileadmin", but we have to tell the core to move the typo3temp folder to another path. 

 With this patch we will just have to change the parameter in one place; when the Environment class initialize function is getting called.
