Bug #90368
Updated by Stephan Großberndt over 4 years ago
in file /typo3/sysext/seo/Classes/XmlSitemap/XmlSitemapRenderer.php the path to the xsl xls file is hard coded: <pre> public function __construct() { $this->configuration = $this->getConfiguration(); $this->view = $this->getStandaloneView(); $this->view->assign( 'xslFile', PathUtility::stripPathSitePrefix( ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('seo', 'Resources/Public/CSS/Sitemap.xsl') ) ); } </pre> result is that the xml sitemap refers to a xsl xls file which locates in the /typo3/sysext/ folder in frontend context. Many installations protect protects the typo3 folder from the public web with passwords. This results in an error 500 when the sitemap is called. In my opinion a direct call to the /typo3/ folder in frontend context should be considered as a bug.