


Bug #91615

Updated by Thomas Uchtmann about 4 years ago

While using Postgres as the database provider, field removals are not recognized, neither through BE nor through helhum/typo3-console. 
 Creation of Fields, creation of Tables and deletions of Tables are recognized as well as changing of field definitions. 

 After changing the database provider to mysql and installing all tables anew, field deletions where once again recognized. 

 How to recreate:  
 - Go to maintenance > -> Analyze Database. There should be no changes pending.  
 * - Add a new field into ext_tables.sql 
 * - run Analyze Database again, pending changes will show. 
 * - Apply pending changes. 
 * - Remove the newly added field from ext_tables.sql 
 * - run Analyze Database again. 
 ** -- Expected behavior: 
 *** --- Removal of field should be shown. 
 ** -- Experienced behavior: 
 *** --- No pending database changes are shown. 

 Enviroment DDEV PHP 7.4 with Postgres DB, find configuration for Postgres Container attached. 
 After starting ddev add the following configuration to your LocalConfiguration.php: 
 <pre><code class="php"> 
     'DB' => [ 
         'Connections' => [ 
             'Default' => [ 
                 'charset' => 'utf8', 
                 'dbname' => 'db', 
                 'driver' => 'pdo_pgsql', 
                 'host' => 'postgres', 
                 'password' => 'db', 
                 'port' => 5432, 
                 'user' => 'db', 
