


Bug #92900

Updated by Imko Schumacher over 3 years ago

The datetime input @00:00 01-01-1970@ (special value - start of unix epoch, timestamp 0) gets saved as default value @0000-00-00 00:00:00@. 

 h2. Prerequisite 

 - testet on master(9ded7c21f126627b090b4f13715f03d3c57ebe30), 10.4.9 and seems to be present in older versions 

 TCA configuration: 

 <pre><code class="php"> 
 'columns' => [ 
     'mydatetime' => [ 
         'config' => [ 
             'type' => 'input', 
             'renderType' => 'inputDateTime', 
             'dbType' => 'datetime', 
             'eval' => 'datetime,null', 

 h2. Steps to reproduce the problem 

 * Input the following values in the backend record editor 

   * @ 00:00 01-01-1970@ 

 * Save the form 

 h2. Actual results 

 * @0000-00-00 00:00:00@ 
   (Default value for datetime) 

 h2. Expected results: 

 * @1970-01-01 00:00:00@ 

 h2. Additional notes 

 * There was already some discussion on , but got outsourced to here 
 * Also influences time inputs (e.g. 00:00), however works out in the end 
 * Problem location: *DataHandler -> checkValueForInput* 
 * The input gets converted to a tiemstamp for the "sake of checks". 
   In this case, the resulting timestamp is @0@ and interpreted as false in the following checks (both need to be fixed) 
 ><pre><code class="php"> 
 if (isset($tcaFieldConf['dbType']) && isset($res['value']) && !$res['value']) { 
     // set the value to null if we have an empty value for a native field 
     $res['value'] = null; 
 > <pre><code class="php"> 
 $res['value'] = $res['value'] ? gmdate($format, $res['value']) : $emptyValue; 
