


Bug #93366

Updated by Arne-Kolja Bachstein over 3 years ago

*Edit: Layer 8 problem. Seems like I cannot delete or close the issue ... anyone, please? :)* 

 My scenario is that I have a simple multi-site (landing pages) setup with an provider extension. The provider extension collects multiple YAML files for plugin routes. Now, instead of having each site config to include each plugin's YAML file, I wanted to include a higher-level YAML file that then includes the single route files. 

 Like so: 

 <pre><code class="yaml"> 
 # config/my-site/config.yaml 
   - { resource: "EXT:provider/Configuration/Routes.yaml"} 

 <pre><code class="yaml"> 
 # EXT:provider/Configuration/Routes.yaml 
   - { resource: "EXT:provider/Configuration/MyPlugin.yaml"} 
   - { resource: "EXT:provider/Configuration/News.yaml"} 

 However, when nesting it this way, my Docker container seems to get stuck in an infinite loop or something. The URLs stop loading and the fan cranks up. Need to restart the container, remove those lines and flush the cache to get the container working again. 

 I don't know if it's a bug or rather unintended usage of the imports, but imho this sort of nesting is quite useful to not have to touch each site config for new import files, so it should work. 

 TYPO3 version is 10.4.11. Checked the changelog of 10.4.12 though, but it doesn't have a change touching this.
