


Bug #95600

Updated by Hannes Bochmann about 3 years ago

When a record from a workspace is published, the FE cache is not cleared at all. This worked in previous TYPO3 versions. For example if a tt_content record is published the cache of the page needs to be cleared. Problem is as follows.  

 In TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Hook\DataHandlerHook::version_swap() the record which is published is registered for cache clearing with $dataHandler->registerRecordIdForPageCacheClearing($table, $id); 

 The DataHandler retrieves all neccessary cache tags and clear cache commands with the prepareCacheFlush() method. But this method does nothing if the user is currently in a workspace other than the live woorkspace. workspace. In previous versions there was no check for the workspace.
