


Bug #97661

Updated by Dennis Metz over 2 years ago

If the two options foreign_selector and useCombination are set, I get two buttons in my element in the backend - one "Create new" and one "Create new relation", whereby the second button is at the end of a select field. 

 If I click on "Create new relation" everything fits. A new relation is then created between the elements. 
 However, if I click on "Create new", a new data set is not created as expected but the data set that was presumably created last is used - i.e. a new relation is created. 

 The problem also already exists in 10.4.28 or earlier. 

 <pre><code class="php"> 
     $GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['xxxxxx'] = [ 
         'exclude' => false, 
         'label' => 'xxxxxx', 
         'config' => [ 
             'type' => 'inline', 
             'foreign_table' => 'xxxxxx', 
             'foreign_field' => 'content_uid', 
             'foreign_label' => 'video_uid', 
             'foreign_sortby' => 'sorting', 
             'foreign_selector' => 'video_uid', 
             'foreign_unique' => 'video_uid', 
             'maxitems' => '100', 
             'appearance' => [ 
                 'useCombination' => true, 
                 'collapseAll' => false, 
                 'expandSingle' => true, 
                 'useSortable' => true, 
                 'enabledControls' => [ 
                     'info' => true, 
                     'new' => true, 
                     'dragdrop' => true, 
                     'sort' => true, 
                     'hide' => true, 
                     'delete' => true, 
                     'localize' => true, 
