Bug #97786
Updated by Nikita Hovratov over 2 years ago
h1. Setup - Having an inline field, which itself references an inline field. - The parent inline field has the following TCA options: - minitems => 1 - maxitems => 1 - appearance.levelLinksPosition levelLinksPosition => 'bottom' - The child inline field doesn't need any special TCA Example TCA: https://github.com/TYPO3/styleguide/pull/330/files h2. Steps to reproduce: - Create a new record - Click on the new record button to create a new parent inline field record. h2. Expected The button of the parent inline field is hidden, as adding one new record the maxitems value (1) is reached. h2. Actual The button of the inline child is hidden instead: !nested-inline-button.png!