


Task #99330

Updated by Jasmina Ließmann over 1 year ago

In connection with #99329, the labels of the select slect field options can be improved. Also and the h1 title and description that is then displayed on the page. can be improved. 

 A suggestion: 

 |*Current label*|*New label*|*Current description*|*New description*| 
 |Constant Editor|-|-|Overwrite constants and save them in the selected typoscript template on the current page. Only options that have been made available for editing in the constant editor are shown below. In addition, more constants can exist in the system.| 
 |Info/Modify|Modify typoscript template of the current page|-|Modify the content of the selected typoscript template on the current page. Modifications can be made either for configurations like typoscript constants & setup or basics like the name and description of the typoscript template file itself.| 
 |TypoScript Object Browser|-|-|Overview of the current TypoScript configuration of the system (constants and setup). Optionally, the constant values can be displayed directly in the setup. A targeted search for values and TypoScript names is possible. The list of results can also be filtered according to TypoScript conditions.| 
 |Template Analyzer|TypoScript Template Analyzer|-|Get an overview about the included typoscript files and their include order.| 
 |Template Records Overview|Overview of existing TypoScript Template Records|This is a global overview of all pages in the database containing one or more template records.|Global overview of all pages in the database containing one or more typoscript template records.| 

 Further suggestions: 
 * make option "Template Records Overview" the first option in the select field (alternatively the option "Info/Modify") 
 * unify the content of the h1 with the select field labels (+ name of the selected typoscript file if selection is available on the page)
