


Bug #99495

Updated by P Stern over 1 year ago

Note: There are 2 PHP-Modules for accessing memcache - [memcache]( and memcache*d*. 

 The documentation at 


 > There are two PHP memcached implementations: "memcache" and "memcached". Currently, only memcache is supported by this backend. 

 When attempting to use the MemcachedBackend with the PHP memcache module (not memecached), everything (frontend, backend, console-command) dies with: 

 > Uncaught TYPO3 Exception Class "Memcached" not found 

 This is because of the code on line #132 of typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Cache/Backend/MemcachedBackend.php : 

 <pre><code class="php"> 
 $compressionFlag = $this->usedPeclModule === 'memcache' ? MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED : \Memcached::OPT_COMPRESSION; 

 which cannot be interpreted without Memcache*d* class existing (i.e. the memcache*d* module has been loaded). 

 1) MemcachedBackend only works with the Memcache*d* installed even though it appears to want to work with either Memcache or Memcache*d* 

 2) The documentation is not just out of date, but leads to installing the less advantages memcache module.
