


Bug #102270

Updated by Hannes Lau 9 months ago

In the TYPO3 Backend, create a TCA an "group" element of type "db" with the edit popup enabled. Use the edit popup to edit a translatable record. Use the language menu in the edit popup to change from the default language into a translation language.  

 Expected: The edit popup loads the form of the translated record 
 Actual: A javascript error appears on the JS console  

 <pre><code class="javascript"> 
 ContentContainer.js?bust=1695828076:22 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'contentWindow') 
     at a.get (ContentContainer.js?bust=1695828076:22:74) 
     at Object.handleFormChildNavigateAction (GlobalEventHandler.js?bust=1695828076:13:1703) 
     at Object.handleChangeEvent (GlobalEventHandler.js?bust=1695828076:13:777) 
     at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (RegularEvent.js?bust=1695828076:13:364) 
