


Bug #102569

Updated by Friedemann Altrock 8 months ago

Before the complete rewrite of the @PageLayoutView@, it was possible to add additional icons in the header of a content element in the Page module, via the hook @$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['GLOBAL']['recStatInfoHooks']@ in @\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView::tt_content_drawHeader@. 

 In #98441 this hook has been removed and the PSR-14 event @ModifyRecordListRecordActionsEvent@ is suggested as a replacement. 
 This event is only dispatched from the @DatabaseRecordList@ and not from @GridColumnItem@. 
 Also, the purpose of the event in the record list is to extend the actions button group, not add icons. 

 As such I view the lack of a possibility to add more icons after language and lock info to be a regression from v12 onwards. 

 Reference in 11.5:
