Bug #103703
Updated by Daniel Siepmann 7 months ago
TYPO3 decorates the doctrine dbal QueryBuilder. This includes the createNamedParameter() method. Doctrine DBAL supports the following types in v12.4: <code>int|string|Type|null</code> while TYPO3 only supports <code>int</code>. -TYPO3 TYPO3 main (13.x) supports <code>ParameterType|ArrayParameterType</code> while newest dbal 4.x supports <code>string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType</code>.- <code>string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType</code>. This leads to a situation that it seems impossible to provide a <code>DateTimeImmutable</code> instance and allow dbal to properly cast it to date which could be provided as string in v12 or <code>DateType</code> in main. That comes in handy if using the native date/datetime/time fields introduced some time ago with TCA. Is there a reason this is not supported by TYPO3? Our example code with patched v12.4: <pre><code class="php"> use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\DateType; $queryBuilder->where($queryBuilder->expr()->gte( 'date.start', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($startAfter, new DateType()) )); </code></pre>