


Bug #103798

Updated by Sebastian Swan about 2 months ago

h3. Summary 

 When updating the slug of an expired page (endtime in the past) a redirect for "/" is created. 


 h3. Steps to reproduce 

 * Create a new page and set the "Expiration Date" (endtime) to something in the past. 
 * Save the page 
 * Update the Slug of the page and save 
 * This leads to two redirects being created: 

     * *Valid*: Redirect for the old slug to the copied page 
     * *Invalid*: Redirect for "/" to the copied page 

 h3. Use Case 

 In our use case we have several expired "Event" pages, that are copied and used to create new pages. When one of those copies gets activated, the falsely created redirect kicks in and the homepage redirects to the copied event page.
