


Bug #104357

Updated by Jasmina Ließmann 5 days ago

With #104285 the color values ​​were adjusted. For example the colors for "Warning" and "Info" have changed and in light mode the background color in the content area has become darker. 

 This leads to the following issues: 
 * alternating table rows are harder to read 
 * both the content area and the buttons within cards currently have the same color as the background of the content area 
 * The content within "Warning" and "Info" flash messages and info boxes is difficult to read and the background color is difficult to distinguish from the gray background. understand 
 * The icons within "Warning" and "Info" flash messages and info boxes hardly stand out from their background color 

 Furthermore buttons within tables are displayed too wide (due to #104350).This can be followed in the following modules: List, Form, Recycler.
