

Josef F. Glatz (Old User)

  • Login: josdesign
  • Registered on: 2008-10-05
  • Last sign in: 2016-10-30


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 18 18
Reported issues 0 35 35



21:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #80312: TYPO3 backend broken after a re-login
h1. Another - to me - relevant scenario
# I logged in into dev-master with Google Chrome Version 57.0.2987.98 (64-bi...
Josef F. Glatz (Old User)


17:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #77822 (Resolved): Scheduler: CSH Labels aren't shown while creating a new task
Applied in changeset commit:a6ba5524f4d5fe28c15883cd7990e0f14c2f3e61. Josef F. Glatz (Old User)
16:52 TYPO3 Core Revision a6ba5524: [BUGFIX] Scheduler: fix and add missing CSH labels
Activate CSH labels while creating a new scheduler task.
Also add missing localization strings for common description...
Josef F. Glatz (Old User)


01:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #77818 (Resolved): Remove superfluos documentation within sysext:css_styled_content
Applied in changeset commit:ab52b5c590846be393efb208e07e593fa854f5c3. Josef F. Glatz (Old User)
00:56 TYPO3 Core Revision ab52b5c5: [BUGFIX] css_styled_content: remove superfluous documentation
Remove obsolete documentation about typoscript constants
styles.content.loginform.(...) in ext:css_styled_content. It...
Josef F. Glatz (Old User)


19:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #71398 (Resolved): Small typo in fluid_styled_content constants
Applied in changeset commit:4f984dff1a07e2b197cc029872ac8b06d3bbf0c0. Josef F. Glatz (Old User)
19:03 TYPO3 Core Revision 4f984dff: [BUGFIX] Typo in fluid_styled_content constant comment
Releases: master
Resolves: #71398
Change-Id: Ia600bf77d206fcfe4be615adad485be5e23ad34b
Reviewed-on: https://review.ty...
Josef F. Glatz (Old User)
17:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #71397 (Closed): Using link with hash scrolls target id under .module-docheader
h1. Problem/Description
These problematic is not only within the template module.
Josef F. Glatz (Old User)


23:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #71354 (Resolved): rowDescription missing when css_styled_content isn't installed
Applied in changeset commit:2a729f02ae077305b1bbc24f800a87e0c4739fab. Josef F. Glatz (Old User)
23:16 TYPO3 Core Revision 2a729f02: [BUGFIX] tt_content: add rowDescription field even without css_styled_content
rowDescription is now enabled for all core content elements
even if sysext:css_styled_content is not installed. Enabl...
Josef F. Glatz (Old User)

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