Fabien Udriot
- Login: fab1en
- Email: fabien.udriot@ecodev.ch, fabien.udriot@cobweb.ch
- Registered on: 2009-01-15
- Last sign in: 2020-01-28
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Reported issues | 0 | 43 | 43 |
17:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #86264: Trusted hosts pattern mismatch with Nginx and HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT 443
- Mmm... not for me. Same error with DDev v1.12.2 - latest TYPO3 v9 9.5.13
20:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #64883 (Resolved): Implement check against File type restriction in Extractors
- Applied in changeset commit:169813978e526a48b04b6ba213899ce63cecd613.
20:28 TYPO3 Core Revision 16981397: [BUGFIX] Implement check against File type restriction in Extractors
- The Metadata Extractor interface provides the possibility to limit
the scope of the extraction to only certain file t...
10:00 TYPO3 Core Feature #64884 (Resolved): Display info about registered Extractors in Task "Metadata Extract"
- Applied in changeset commit:2476e12a38aeb01236d7e112a5b17324e407e8ee.
09:37 TYPO3 Core Revision 2476e12a: [TASK] Display info about registered Extractors in Task "Metadata Extract"
- In the context of the Scheduler, the task "Metadata Extract" will have no
effect if no Extractor is registered - whic...
15:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #65688: Using TYPO3_COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD requires post-autoload-dump script in project composer.json
- +1
Thanks Alexander for posting your solution. I run into the same problem and adding the @post-autoload-dump@ sol...
08:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #56655 (Resolved): Show the create and modify dates of a file in the info popup
- Applied in changeset commit:3c56167f5630772805113ebf7b87653e70470360.
08:10 TYPO3 Core Revision 3c56167f: [BUGFIX] Display Info of File in popup instead of File Metadata
- To stay inline with the File List, the popup from the list
should display info of a File and not of the File Metadata...
10:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #45478: Resizing a magic image in rte woun't get scaled in frontend
- I had the same problem and "comment above":https://forge.typo3.org/issues/45478#note-10 led me to the right direction...
00:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #64875 (Resolved): Ensure variable imageSizes is an array before accessing its values
- Applied in changeset commit:44b3ad63ac466bf2b0fdd5dcd5bac9eff299937a.
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