



Bug #45478


Resizing a magic image in rte woun't get scaled in frontend

Added by Marc Bastian Heinrichs almost 12 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Should have
RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
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If you insert a magic image in rte and don't touch the image size, you get a downscaled image in frontend.
If you change the size of the image in the rte to a bigger one, the image don't get scaled in frontend, but has the original size.

Actions #1

Updated by Patrick Broens almost 12 years ago

  • Complexity set to easy

1) If you insert a magic image in rte and don't touch the image size, you get a downscaled image in frontend.

I did not test this, but isn't the maxWInText setting in the constant editor responsible for this?

2) If you change the size of the image in the rte to a bigger one, the image don't get scaled in frontend, but has the original size.

I think this is the wanted behaviour since you don't want an image to be scaled larger than its original. But I'm not sure.

Actions #2

Updated by Marc Bastian Heinrichs over 11 years ago

Sorry, I described this not exact enough.

The original image e.g. is 3000x2000px.

If you insert a magic image in rte it has a default size, e.g. 600x400px.
If don't touch this default image size, you get a downscaled image (600x400px) in frontend.

If you change the size of the image in the rte to a bigger one, e.g. 900x600px, the image don't get scaled to 900x600px in frontend, but has the original size which is 3000x2000px in this example.

Actions #3

Updated by Zbigniew Jacko almost 11 years ago

In 6.2 seems to work.

Actions #4

Updated by Ernesto Baschny almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Is Regression set to No

@Ma-Ba, could you please re-check? Thanks!

Actions #5

Updated by Marc Bastian Heinrichs over 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Marc Bastian Heinrichs
Actions #6

Updated by Marc Bastian Heinrichs over 10 years ago

It get scaled now, but it's not possible to get a bigger size than 300px width, also when I raise maxWInText. Will recheck again.

Actions #7

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Actions #8

Updated by Visay Keo over 10 years ago

I'm having the same problem with TYPO3 6.1 and would be good if this could be fixed soon ;-)

Actions #9

Updated by Björn Haverland over 10 years ago

I have had the same problem with Typo3 6.2. There is a default configuration of the max image width ($magicImageMaximumWidth) in the TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\MagicImageService with a default value of 300. It is possible to change this value in your PagsTSConfig.

RTE.default {
buttons.image.options.magic.maxWidth = 1000
buttons.image.options.magic.maxHeight = 1000

Actions #10

Updated by Patrick Kroog over 10 years ago

It seems, in FrontEnd a wrong configuration array is passed to


So changing "RTE.default.buttons.image.options.magic.maxWidth" works in Backend, but in FrontEnd it defaults to max. 300px width + 1000px height...

For a working solution in FRONT + BACK-end, i need to add this configuration at the moment (TYPO3 6.2.3):

RTE.default.buttons.image.options.magic.maxWidth = 770
RTE.default.buttons.image.options.magic.maxHeight = 2000
RTE.default.buttons.image.options.plain.maxWidth = 770
RTE.default.buttons.image.options.plain.maxHeight = 2000

RTE.buttons.image < RTE.default.buttons.image

Actions #11

Updated by Fabien Udriot about 10 years ago

I had the same problem and comment above led me to the right direction. Notice, I was loading the TSConfig via the programmatic way in ext_tables.php which was working for images dimension in the backend but not on the frontend. So, I had to revert and includes as "INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT" in the page properties.

# Add page TSConfig (which does not work in the context of the FE)
$pageTsConfig = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getUrl(
    \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($_EXTKEY) . 'Configuration/TsConfig/Page/config.ts'


UPDATE: It looks this configuration is sufficient buttons.image.options.magic.maxWidth = 600 if set in the Page TSConfig on the page property (in the database). If put as external TSConfig, RTE.buttons.image < RTE.default.buttons.image was required for me.

Actions #12

Updated by Patrick Kroog almost 10 years ago

Fabien: For me the same problem occurs, if RTE.default.buttons.image is set within the page properties. (TYPO3 6.2.6).

Actions #13

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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