

Stefan Froemken

  • Login: froemken
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  • Registered on: 2009-05-11
  • Last sign in: 2025-02-12


open closed Total
Assigned issues 6 76 82
Reported issues 25 304 329


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2014-10-24



15:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #106161: The grid-icon in front of TCA:color is at wrong position
Now the gray/white icon is gone completely. See new screenshot Stefan Froemken
14:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #106161: The grid-icon in front of TCA:color is at wrong position
I'm using: Firefox 135.0 (aarch64)
Can't verify that problem in Google Chrome
Safari: 17.3.1: Holy! The backend...
Stefan Froemken
14:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #106161 (Needs Feedback): The grid-icon in front of TCA:color is at wrong position
I just try the new TCA color type. Nice. But in front of that field the white/gray-grid-icon is glued to the t...
Stefan Froemken


10:47 TYPO3 Core Bug #57332: Call to a member function isPackageActive() on a non-object in .../typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/ExtensionManagementUtility.php on line 101
We just stumbled over the same issue in TYPO3 8.7.
Following Backtrace:
* Customer runs page with PHP 7.4
* In v...
Stefan Froemken


13:45 TYPO3 Core Revision 803196c7: [BUGFIX] Use correct reference record for new button
In case the "multiple record edit" mode in FormEngine
is used, the new button now properly respects this
by using the...
Stefan Froemken
11:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #86097 (Resolved): Wrong position of new tt_content record
Applied in changeset commit:67097554b74b2ba0201985f8f6662d92a4912539. Stefan Froemken
10:57 TYPO3 Core Revision 67097554: [BUGFIX] Use correct reference record for new button
In case the "multiple record edit" mode in FormEngine
is used, the new button now properly respects this
by using the...
Stefan Froemken


15:26 TYPO3 Core Bug #105782 (New): First value of extension setting of type "wrap" was shown in both fields
I just upgrade our maps2 extension to be compatible with TYPO3 13.
Visiting the Settings module -> Exten...
Stefan Froemken


06:27 TYPO3 Core Bug #105342: Destribution Extension does not create page-tree
Sure. Tested with MariaDB 10.4. I also thought about DB issue and updated to version 10.11. But problem is the same. Stefan Froemken


09:12 TYPO3 Core Bug #105342: Destribution Extension does not create page-tree
Just tested on TYPO3 13.4.0 Composer:
I can't reproduce the issue while remove/req f.e. typo3/cms-seo or typo3/cms-d...
Stefan Froemken

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