

Christoph Eisenmann


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 7 7



04:16 TYPO3 Core Bug #17512 (Closed): Debugflag in class.t3lib_db.php $debugOutput
the $debugOutput flag which is false by default should be controllable by localconf.
In many situations...
Christoph Eisenmann


11:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #17496 (Rejected): missing default value in search form
The search form input should have a default value like "Enter search here" This is a W3C WCAG requirement and require... Christoph Eisenmann


08:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #16129 (Rejected): imageLinkWrap missing text between img tag and a tag
According to wcag (web content accesibility group) of the w3c it is not possible to have source like this
<a href=...
Christoph Eisenmann


10:49 TYPO3 Core Bug #17380 (Closed): Extension Manager does not recognize and report errors when executing sql queries
No error message is given if something in ext_tables_static+adt.sql went wrong
A malfunctioning create table or inse...
Christoph Eisenmann


10:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #17482 (Closed): Stop Words in Indexed Search
There seems to be no support for adding stop words for the indexed search.
Even a field exists in the table index_w...
Christoph Eisenmann


18:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #17456 (Closed): Warning should be given out if using a MySQL Client older than 4.1.1
"Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading M... Christoph Eisenmann
18:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #17455 (Closed): No proper error message mysql_error() information needed
function sql_pconnect in class class.t3lib_db.php
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['no_pconnect']) {
Christoph Eisenmann

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