

Uwe Wiebach


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 3 6



09:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #102015: Incorrect behavior of TCEFORM treeConfig.startingPoints
It's definitely this part, because if I comment it out, the tree is built up correctly.
So I dug deeper:
If the star...
Uwe Wiebach


15:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #97186: Menuprocessor shortcut active subpage wrong link state
Christian Hackl wrote in #note-8:
> Another workaround:
> [...]
This workaround sadly does not work if the c...
Uwe Wiebach


14:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #103438 (New): DateRangeValidator changes options array
The validateOptions function of the DateRangeValidator changes the minimum and maximum values within the options arra... Uwe Wiebach


16:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #103430 (New): Error messages of DateRange validator options mixed up
Either I misunderstand how the validator works or the error messages are mixed up.
The message that is displayed w...
Uwe Wiebach


11:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #99654: spamProtectEmailAddresses not working as expected inside html address elements
I have noticed the same thing (TYPO3 v11). Also, internal links within the address tag are not parsed. Uwe Wiebach


11:38 TYPO3 Core Bug #103117 (Closed): Wrong Bootstrap class in select field templates for version2
Maybe not really a bug, but the configuration of SingleSelect and MultiSelect adds the wrong Bootstrap class as eleme... Uwe Wiebach


10:23 TYPO3 Core Task #98930: Add configuration of GridColumn viewports
Oliver Bartsch wrote in #note-7:
> Applied in changeset commit:53cdc6e9f425e745080e80ac7be40c3126ce68f4.
Good to ...
Uwe Wiebach


16:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #93962: Form variants for EmailToReceiver doesn't work
I not only can confirm this issue (TYPO3 v10.4.32) but have (an) additional problem(s) to solve:
If more than one fi...
Uwe Wiebach


15:53 TYPO3 Core Feature #94822 (New): Allow to add more than one record with Typo3WinBrowserEditor
I'm working on a form element that lists tt_address records in a select box. Therefore I need the possibility to add ... Uwe Wiebach


13:00 TYPO3 Core Task #72037: Truncate indexed_search tables before indexing with crawler
+1 for proposed solution 3. Uwe Wiebach

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