

Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)

  • Login: nowi
  • Registered on: 2009-07-23
  • Last sign in: 2023-07-16


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 1 15 16



11:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #100959: File storage 'fileadmin' as default storage must be allowed for editors to show other other filemounts in other file storages
We had the same problem here. But unfortunately the patch doesn't help. Error still exists. Fortunately we had only o... Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


14:01 TYPO3 Core Bug #101083: Relative path creation not posible. Link type "unknown" is not allowed for the field "target" of the table "sys_redirect"
Is this patch already merged?
It's not working in TYPO3 12.4.10
Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


10:26 TYPO3 Core Bug #102742 (Resolved): TypoScript constants not usable in value modification addToList()
If we use constants in value modifications like @addToList()@ (maybe others too) they are not replaced with the value... Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


14:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #102257 (Resolved): Editors can't delete file references without access to edit the page
Editors had no "delete" button for file references without access rights to edit the page!
I tested this behaviour...
Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


10:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #49424: Saving content element in workspace change flexform data from typoscript_content plugin
After ten years I would say, looks good to me ;-). For me no further tests needed. Ticket can be closed. Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


07:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #101289: Error on excuting upgradewizard "sysLogChannel" in TYPO3 12
I tested the wizard with the same database in TYPO3 11 instance. No errors.
It seems to me that the sysLogChannel wi...
Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)
06:12 TYPO3 Core Bug #101289: Error on excuting upgradewizard "sysLogChannel" in TYPO3 12
I'm using the core_upgrader2 extension to use the other wizards. The sysLogChannel wizard come from core. Therefore I... Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


13:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #101289 (Resolved): Error on excuting upgradewizard "sysLogChannel" in TYPO3 12
I'm using a database dump from a TYPO3 9.5 instance and try to execute the update Wizard "sysLogChannel". Database sc... Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


09:26 TYPO3 Core Bug #100936 (New): Label for custom category in constant editor is not used
There are several cases where the label for the custom category is not displayed in the dropdown.
*1. if the cate...
Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)


10:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #96671: PageTSConfig override for group fields do not work
This is also useful in TYPO3 10. I hope it will be also built in TYPO3 10 ;-).
Without those patch my Page TS sett...
Karsten Nowak (undkonsorten)

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