

Ingmar Schlecht

  • Login: ingmars
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  • Registered on: 2008-01-20
  • Last sign in: 2016-01-29


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 99 99
Reported issues 0 39 39


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Honorary Member 2015-06-15



19:57 TYPO3 Core Revision 76aa566d: [BUGFIX] Fix FAL update wizards
This patch fixes the update wizards, minor issues like the
relation count, the descriptions etc.
Change-Id: I84acfed...
Ingmar Schlecht


15:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #38749 (Resolved): Wrong relation count after FAL update wizard
Applied in changeset commit:e2e83120dd4d8798f17d7e53972e3eb879165ce1. Ingmar Schlecht
11:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #38749 (Closed): Wrong relation count after FAL update wizard
After executing the FAL upgrade wizards, the field "image" in tt_content should contain the relation count but instea... Ingmar Schlecht
14:35 TYPO3 Core Revision e2e83120: [BUGFIX] Fix FAL update wizards
This patch fixes the update wizards, minor issues like the
relation count, the descriptions etc.
Change-Id: I84acfed...
Ingmar Schlecht


23:42 TYPO3 Core Revision 728120a0: [FEATURE] Item filters for TCA types "group" and "inline"
Releases: 6.0
Resolves: #36810
Change-Id: Ib8a7c30e19dab9cff72412f7dfe51aa8e94343e4
Reviewed-on: http://review.typo3....
Ingmar Schlecht
23:42 TYPO3 Core Revision 83e9fa11: [FEATURE] Add method getUid() to abstract record collection
Change-Id: Id39ff747779fcfeeb5f7b8b4af685cad1f9f05d7
Releases: 6.0
Resolves: #36839
Reviewed-on: http://review.typo3....
Ingmar Schlecht
23:42 TYPO3 Core Revision b2837569: [FEATURE] Add method findAll() to record collection repository
Change-Id: I44a58bdedc8be3a9be68af7d636f44628d014fce
Resolves: #36835
Releases: 6.0
Reviewed-on: http://review.typo3....
Ingmar Schlecht
23:42 TYPO3 Core Revision 62dabfe1: [BUGFIX] Wrong query in RecordCollectionRepository
If t3lib_collection_RecordCollectionRepository::queryMultipleRecords()
is called without any argument the SQL stateme...
Ingmar Schlecht
23:42 TYPO3 Core Revision 8be8bc78: [FEATURE] Allow t3lib as class prefix
Several parts in the Core require class names to start with
"tx_" or "user_", e.g. for working with user functions in...
Ingmar Schlecht
23:42 TYPO3 Core Revision 391b366f: [BUGFIX] Wrong TCEForms placeholder in sys_file_references
Due to a wrong TCA configuration, the placeholder feature in
content elements using images just shows the unresolved ...
Ingmar Schlecht

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